CS 747

Project Guidelines

For the project you need to choose a topic which explores in greater detail some topics covered in class, involes additional reading and implementation of the chosen methods and demostrate it in action.

You can form teams, ideally two or three people. One page project description is due on April 2nd. The template for the project desription can be found here project template

  • Implementation or demo: Find a research paper related to the topics covered in class and implement their method. Apply existing methods to new datasets. Compare and contrast several methods, adapt or modify them. If feasible, create a demo that can be shown in class.
  • Kaggle competition: Find a competition on Kaggle and implement a deep learning system to enter in it. Here are some options: Deep learning competitions
  • Paper: Write a survey or tutorial paper on the topic of your lecture (or a different topic if you insist). Here is an examples of survey paper on Variational Autoencoders If the topic you have chosen already has a good recent tutorial like the one above, this would probably not be the best choice (unless you feel you can write a significantly different tutorial that can offer independent value). The paper should be 5-6 pages in length (single-spaced, single column, 11pt font, 1 inch margins) and typeset in LaTeX.

    Past projects:

    State Farm Distracted Driver detection (Kaggle)
    Learning Latent Representatios using Conditional Variational Autoencoders
    Deep Learning framework for protein folding (NN for predicting protein strucures)
    Sentimen Analyiss of the movie reviews using RNN's
    Facial Emotion Recognition
    Licence plate number detection (Kaggle)
    Capturing Upper Torso Movement using MarkerLess Pose Estimation
    Tweet Sentiment Extraction (Kaggle)
    Show and Tell Image Captioning System
    Detection Pneumonia on X-rays images
    End-to-End Recovery of Human Shape and Pose
    Implementation of Real-Time Seamless Single Shot 6D Object Pose Prediction
    Fine-grained categorization
    Style transfer on Soccer Images
    Tracking Customer Flow using YOLO
    Underwater Trash Detection Using Faster-RCNN

    Commonly used models for computer vision problems

    You might also gain inspiration by taking a look at some popular computer vision datasets:

    Coomputer vision, Computer Vision and Language Datasets

    Txt, NLP datasets

  • Txt classification, generation, question answering