CS 112 – Intro to Computer Programming

Fall 2012

Course Outcomes

·      An ability to use procedural programming language concepts including expressions, decision statements, simple data types, Boolean logic, input/output, loop constructs, and procedures.

·      An ability to combine programming techniques to solve problems of varying degrees of difficulty.

·      An ability to refine computer programs through testing and debugging to ensure proper operation.

·      An ability to find and understand programming language documentation to learn new information needed to solve programming problems.


Prerequisite:  C or better in MATH 104, 105, or 113 (or sufficient score on the math placement test).

Corequisite:    CS Majors must also be enrolled in CS 101 this semester.


Contact:         Dr. Mark Snyder        msnyde14@gmu.edu

                        ENGR 5346                (703-993-5624)

                        Office Hours:  Mon/Wed, 3-5pm, or by appointment.


·      The Practice of Computing Using Python, second edition. William Punch and Richard Enbody.

·      An eText version is available.


Course Materials

·      All assignments will be submitted (per published deadlines) via Blackboard.

·      Course discussions will take place on Piazza. Go sign up now, so you don't miss announcements.

·      Documents such as GTA/UTA contacts, schedules, and lecture slides will be on these sites.


Contacting Us

·      All correspondence will go through Piazza. You can send private messages to the batch of instructors (professor, GTAs, UTAs all) as well as post public questions visible to all students, collaborate on responses, and tag everything by topic.


Grading – Tentative Plan

·      The course will have 500 points available throughout the entire semester. The following points correspond to the shown letter grades:


               A+  490      A  ≥ 460       A-  ≥ 450

               B+  440      B  ≥ 410       B-  ≥ 400

               C+  390      C  ≥ 360       C-  ≥ 350

               D   ≥ 300      F  < 300


·      Point distribution:


                  Final Exam      125       Programs       225
        Midterm        75       Participation  25

          Quizzes        50


·      The only reason I say the grading plan is tentative is that circumstances may affect our ability to schedule projects as planned. If any change to grading is necessary, I will ensure that it only loosens the requirements, if anything. For instance, if we end up with fewer than 225 project points I could scale your awarded points upwards from a fraction of available points to the same fraction of 225 points.


Class Participation

·      Students are expected to participate regularly in lecture and lab appropriately. Class participation will be assumed satisfactory as long as you are present and behave like an adult; to that end, three absences from lab will be allowed with no questions asked or answered. Missing more than 3 labs will deduct 10 points from the semester's grand total, missing 6 or more will deduct 20, and missing 10 or more will deduct all 25 class participation points.  Serious behavioral issues and quite early departures in lab will be treated like absences.



·      Quizzes are administered in lab. If you miss a quiz, for any reason, you have missed it.  The lowest of your six quiz scores will be dropped.


Programming Projects

·      Assignments are due on time to be considered for full credit.

·      Each 24-hour period later than the deadline will invoke a 25% penalty, no matter how large or small the assignment.  Please do not wait until the last moment to submit your work.

·      Turning in the wrong files is treated the same as not turning in your files. Be careful when submitting your work.



·      The midterm and final exam will both have a focus on performing programming. It will likely be half (at most) scantron, and half programming questions.

·      Student ID is required for both the midterm and final exam.

·      Appropriate documentation (determined by instructor) is required to consider a make-up.

·      Failing the final exam will result in an F in the entire course.


Contested Grades

·      Do not contest a grade immediately and in person when it is handed back. Send written correspondence to the actual grader requesting feedback and reconsideration


Honor Code

·      All students will abide by GMU's Honor Code.

·      All work must be your own.  If you are caught cheating, you and every other involved student will be turned in to the honor court.

·      See the CS Honor Code Policies to understand better what constitutes cheating in the CS setting.

·      See the CS Statement on Academic Integrity. 


Learning Disabilities

·      Students with a learning disability or other condition (documented with GMU Office of Disability Services) that may impact academic performance should speak with the professor ASAP to discuss appropriate accommodations.