Instructor: Dr. Larry Kerschberg

Meeting Time and Place:
Mondays: 4:30 - 7:10 p.m., Innovation Hall, Room 134.

Instuctor's Office Hours:
Mondays: 2:00-4:00 p.m.; Tuesdays: 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Engineering Building, Room 4412; or by email appointment.

Please send email to Dr. Kerschberg using Blackboard mail.

Course Objectives:

The Internet and the World Wide Web are revolutionizing the way people, businesses and governments transact business via electronic commerce. This process is well underway and has had enormous impact on our activities, and the way we relate to people and organizations. E-Commerce, digital technologies and the Internet had transformed entire industries. This course will examine the major technologies and trends that enable E-Commerce, including the Internet, security, software and hardware architectures, policy and social/economic issues.

Honor Code

The GMU Honor Code is in effect at all times.

An expanded statement of the GMU Honor Code is posted here:

The Computer Science Department's Honor Code is posted here:

Topics Covered:

The topics covered correspond to those chapters in the textbook, "E-commerce 2013: business, technology and society, Ninth Edition" by Kenneth C. Laudon and Carol Guercio Traver. There will be additional readings made available through GMU's Digital Library, including articles from the ACM and IEEE Digital Libraries, and supplemental material presented during class sessions. 

  1. E-Commerce Business Models and Concepts
  2. E-Commerce Infrastructure: The Internet, the World Wide Web, and Mobile Platforms
  3. Web 2.0: Evolution & Technologies
  4. Building an E-Commerce Presence: Web Sites, Mobile Sites and Apps
  5. E-Commerce Security, Encryption and Payment Systems
  6. Mobile Commerce
  7. Consumer Behavior Models
  8. Online Retailing, Services, and Media
  9. Social Networks, Auctions and Portals
  10. B2B E-Commerce: Supply Chain Management and Collaborative Commerce

Pre-requisites: INFS 501, 515, 519, SWE 510 or permission of instructor..

Grading Policy:

The grade will be determined by grades obtained in individual assignments, research paper review and report, a group research project, and class participation.

Grade Components
Individual Assignments
Research paper on an E-Commerce Topic
Group E-Commerce Project Paper
Group E-Commenrce Presentation (Individual Grade)
Class Participation
Final Exam

In the group projects, students form small, 3-4 person, teams to perform research on a topic related to the course.


Required Text:

E-commerce 2013: business, technology and society, Ninth Edition" by Kenneth C. Laudon and Carol Guercio Traver.

Recommended Reading:

E-Business Technologies: Supporting the Net-Enhanced Organization, Craig van Slyke and France Bélanger, Wiley, 2003

Developing Web Applications, Ralph Moseley, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2007.

Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, Third Edition, Peter Morville and Louis Rosenfeld, O'Reilly Media Inc., 2006.

Scaling for E-Business, Daniel A. Menascé and Virgilio Almeida, Prentice-Hall, 2000.