George Mason University



INFS 515 Computer Organization - Spring 2011


Instructor: Dr. Hakan Aydin



Description: This course covers the principles of computer organization/architecture and operating systems. The course is divided roughly into two parts: in the first part, fundamentals of computer organization and architecture will be presented. The second part will include an overview of the main operating system services and functions.


Prerequisites: Undergraduate course or equivalent knowledge in structured programming in a high-level language.


Meeting Time and Locations: Monday 7:20 – 10:00 PM  Robinson Hall B Rm. 224


Required Textbooks:

“Computer Organization and Architecture”, by W. Stallings (8th Edition, Prentice Hall 2009, ISBN 9780136073734), and,

“Operating System Concepts with Java”, by Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne (8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons 2009, ISBN: 9780470509494).

Office Hours: Monday 4:30 – 5:30 PM; Wednesday 7:20 PM – 8:20 PM; and by appointment (Office: Engineering Building, Room 5308)





Course Web Page:  The lecture slides,  assignments, and other course-related documents will be available at GMU Blackboard system (




The students must achieve a total score of at least 90 (out of 100) to be considered for an A. No early exams will be given and make-up exams are strongly discouraged.  A student should present an official and verifiable excuse to miss an exam (such as a doctor's note).


All students must abide by the GMU Honor Code  and CS Department's Honor Code and Academic Integrity Policies during the semester. The students are supposed to work individually on the assignments. Violations of the Honor Code or a total score of 49 (or less) will result in an F.


Disability Statement: If you have a learning or physical difference that may affect your academic work, you will need to furnish appropriate documentation to GMU Disability Resource Center.  If you qualify for accommodation, the DRC staff will give you a form detailing appropriate accommodations for your instructor. If you have such a condition, you must talk to the instructor during the first week of the term about the issue.