Spring 2011

George Mason University

Department of Computer Science

INFS 760: Advanced Database Management

Prof. Ami Motro

This is an advanced courses in the area of databases, with a focus on issues of database systems implementation. Topics to be covered include: file system organization and file access methods, query processing and optimization, transaction processing (concurrency control and recovery), parallel and distributed databases, and recent trends and future directions.

Note: INFS-760 is a continuation of the introcuctory database course: INFS-614 : Database Management. However, the emphasis of INFS-614 is how to work with database systems, whereas the emphasis of INFS-760 is how database systems work.


INFS-614: Database Management
Note: prerequisites are strictly enforced!


Two exams and four or five homework assignments (approximate weights are indicated in parenthesis):

  1. Homework assignments (30%)
  2. Midterm exam (30%)
  3. Final exam (40%)