Computer Science 795 / 002

Multiagent Systems


Tuesday, 4:30 PM to 7:10 PM, in Room 242 of Krug Hall.


CS 580 or permission of the instructor.

About the Class

This course will cover concepts in multiagent systems. Topics may include agent architectures, game theory and evolutionary game theory, auctions, negotiation and argument protocols, multagent communication architectures, coordination and task sharing, social choice and voting, strategic agents, coalitions, multiagent learning, agent swarms, multiagent modeling, and multirobotics.

Course Web Page


Grading will be based roughly on the following: 50%Final and/or Midterm (if a Midterm is held). 50%One or more Projects.

Honor Code

The class enforces the GMU Honor Code, and to the more specific honor code policy special to the Department of Computer Science. You will be expected to adhere to this code and policy.


If you hve a documented learning disability or other condition which may affect academic performance, make sure this documentation is on file with the Office of Disability Services and come talk to me about accommodations.