CS112: Introduction to Computer Programming (Spring 2015)

Section 001/004

1 Course Basics

Meeting Time and Location:

Instructor: Dr. Yutao Zhong

Course Outcomes:


C or better in MATH 104, 105, or 113 (or sufficient score on the math placement test). Corequisite: CS Majors must also be enrolled in CS 101 this semester.


Other Useful Resources:

2 Grading

Lab assessment
2 Tests
20% (10% each)
Final exam



Programming projects will be a primary focus of your grade - each one should take multiple sessions of coding, with questions asked in between. This is the practice you need to learn, master, and internalize various concepts of the course.

Lab assessment



3 Honor Code

All students are expected to abide by the GMU Honor Code. This policy is rigorously enforced. All class-related assignments are considered individual efforts unless explicitly expressed otherwise (in writing). Cheating on any assignment will be prosecuted and result in a notification of the Honor Committee as outlined in the GMU Honor Code. Sharing, collaboration, or looking at any code or algorithm related to programming assignments that is not your own is considered cheating.

The computer science department has an additional, more restrictive CS Honor Code that you are also subject to. Make sure you read and familiarize yourself with these rules. We use automated software to flag suspicious cases, and then review them by hand to find the cases that must be submitted to the Office of Academic Integrity. The penalty for cheating will always be far worse than a zero grade, to ensure it's not worth taking the chance. Confirmed cases of cheating almost always translate into course failure.

4 Learning Disabilities

Students with a learning disability or other condition (documented with GMU's Office of Disability Services) that may impact academic performance should speak with the professor ASAP to discuss appropriate accommodations.