ISA 562 Information Security Theory and Practice

Spring 2023

This page will be updated frequently

Time and Place: Monday 4:30~7:10PM at Van Metre Hall 111, Arlington Campus

Instructor: Dr. Xinyuan (Frank) Wang

Office: Room 5331, Engineering Building

Office phone: (703) 993-9461

Office hours: TBD

Email: xwangc at gmu dot edu


Teaching Assistant: TBD

Office hours: TBD

Email: TBD


Course Description

The objective of this course to is provide a technical introduction to the theory and practice of information security .Topics include: a brief introduction to basic concepts of cryptography, network security, OS security, software vulnerabilities and exploits, cyber defense and open problems in cyber security. In addition to the theoretical side (e.g., principles and concepts), this course will also cover the practical side of cyber security.

Course Outcomes

  • Understanding of the basics of cryptography, including block ciphers, message authentication, and digital signature
  • Basic understanding of the most common attacks on computer systems, and the common cyber defense mechanisms and approaches
  • Knowledge of the state of the art of cyber security research
  • Preparation for deeper understanding and knowledge of cyber security

Recomended Prerequisite

INFS 501, 515, 519, and SWE 510, or permission of instructor

Textbook and Readings

There is no required textbook. All readings/materials will be available at the course website. All readings/materials comply with copyright/fair use policies.




Midterm Exam

Fina Exam




Assignments include paper homeworks and programming projects. All exams are closed book, closed note.

All assignments must be done individually by each student, unless explicitly required otherwise..

The final grades are computed according to the following rules:

·        A+: >= 95%; A: [90%, 95%); A-: [85%, 90%)

·        B+: [80%, 85%);  B: [75%, 80%); B-: [70%, 75%)

·        C: [60%, 70%)

·        F: < 60%.

Class Schedule (will be updated frequently)


All students, including those who are taking the course online, are required to take the writen exam(s) at specified place on campus.

Academic Integrity

All students are required to follow all university, school and department policies regarding academic integrity. Violator of the Honor Code will result in a grade of F for the course, as well as any penalties imposed by the university and/or the CS department.

Disability Statement

If you have a documented learning disability or other condition that may affect academic performance you should: 1) make sure this documentation is on file with the Office of Disability Services (SUB I, Rm. 222; 703-993-2474; to determine the accommodations you need; and 2) talk to the instructor to discuss your accommodation needs. All academic accommodations must be arranged through the ODS.