Reading assignments are on the syllabus.  A copy of
the textbook is on reserve in the Johnson Center Library.

Paraphrasing or copying from the textbook is plagiarism and earns a
grade of 0.  Write in your _own_ words and use complete sentences for
credit.  Repeat offenders will get an F in the course and may be
reported to the Honor Committee.

1.	Baase, ch 10.5.  Pick 3 codes from the ACM Code of Ethics 
	Comment on how each might apply to situations in the workplace. 
	Due: beginning of first class, week 2.

2.	Baase, p. 254 #1, #5, #17  
	Due: beginning of first class, week 3.                               

3.	Baase, p. 76 #3, #10 p. 108 #3 
	Due: beginning of first class, week 4.             

4.	Choose 3 notable failures described in chapter 4.  
	Describe them briefly (in your own words) and explain why
	the failure or error occurred.  Include Therac 25
	as one of your choices. 
	Due: beginning of first class, week 5.             

5.	Baase, pp. 192-193, #1, #6, #12
	Due: beginning of first class, week 6.             

Note: These assignments are revised each term. :-)