IT 108 Homework 1

Name _________________________

Warning:  This is to be your own work.  You may not work on this with
other students.  Ask your TA or instructor if you have questions.

1.	What is the Unix command to change your password?

2A.	What would be the Unix command to move the file myapplet.html
	into the subdirectory public_html?

2B.	What would be the Unix command to duplicate the file 
	myapplet.html?  (The copy should be saved in the file

2C.	What would be the command to rename the file myapplet.html
	to newapplet.html?

3.	What would be the Unix command to make the file page1.html 
	unreadable by everyone except the owner of the file?

4.	What would be the Unix commands to create a new directory
	called myfiles and make it both readable and executable by everyone?

5.	Suppose the path to the file index.html is as follows:

	You type:	

	and this appears

	You type:
	cd ../..

	What would appear on the screen?

6.  How does Java differ from Javascript

7.	What is the operator in Java or Javascript for:

	multiplication:		___
	assignment:		___
	equality:		___
	less than or equal to: 	___
	not equal to:		___
	modulus:		___

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