
Warning:  This is to be your own work.  You may not work on this with
other students.  Ask your TA or instructor if you have questions.

1.	What is the purpose of this statement:

	BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader
                (new InputStreamReader(; 

2.	How would you describe this statement:

	 static final double PI=3.14159;

3.	Given:
		Random random_object= new Random ();
                int winner=random_object.nextInt();
			winner = -winner;

What range of values might the variable winner have?

4 A-C.	Write a for loop, while loop, and do..while loop that prints these
numbers to the screeen:

	2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

5.	Write a complete Java application that asks the user to
enter their first name as a string.  Convert their name to all upper
case characters, and print the number of characters in the name. 

6.	Take the program at:

Rewrite it in 2 ways so that:
A.	It includes a void method that does the calculations.
B.	It include a method that does the calculation and
	returns the value to main.

Once this assignment is complete, email it to the TA grading
account at:
Labs 201-203 email assignments to:
Labs 204-206 email assignments to:

It is strongly advised that you type in and test the programs you write
in the the problems above.