Lab 5

Using lab 4 and the programs presented in lecture 6 as a model, write the following program to practice Java IO.

Modify your lab 4 program so that if the user enters A or a, a function is called to allow the user to enter an integer. Your function will read in the integer into a local variable and echo print it to the screen as shown in the execution below.

If the user enters B or b, call a function that allows the user to enter a double. The function should read the double into a local variable and print it to the screen with 2 places after the decimal.

If the user enters C or c, call a function that allows the user to enter a string. The function should read the string into a local variable and convert it to all capital letters and then print the converted string to the screen.

The user should be able to continue making choices until s/he wants to quit.

Notice how we proceeded with this problem. With lab 4, we began with a plan that broke a big problem down into smaller problems. This is called "top down design." We implemented this as a skeleton program and tested it. We then defined the tasks to be performed by each function. This is called "step-wise" refinement. We encourage you to implement each of these functions one at a time to make debugging easier.

In order to get any credit, you must create a typescript file with your listing, compilation and execution and email it to your TA.
Click here for help making a typescript.

Sample Execution

Use the values in the sample execution above.
Your execution should match the one given.

> java iopractice
This program is is practice with Java IO.
Please enter A to practice ints, 
B to practice doubles,
C to practice strings, or
Q to quit: 
Please enter an integer: 99
You entered: 99
Please enter A to practice ints, 
B to practice doubles,
C to practice strings, or
Q to quit: 
Please enter a double: 3.14159
Your number with 2 places after the decimal is: 3.14
Please enter A to practice ints, 
B to practice doubles,
C to practice strings, or
Q to quit: 
Please enter a word in lower case:java
Your word in all caps is: JAVA
Please enter A to practice ints, 
B to practice doubles,
C to practice strings, or
Q to quit: 
Please enter a double: 762.8899
Your number with 2 places after the decimal is: 762.89
Please enter A to practice ints, 
B to practice doubles,
C to practice strings, or
Q to quit: 
Error in input, try again.
Please enter A to practice ints, 
B to practice doubles,
C to practice strings, or
Q to quit: 

Program Over, Bye!!!