Amihai Motro: Publications by Subject

Virtual enterprises

    1. The VirtuE model for virtual enterprises
      1. A. D'Atri and A. Motro. VirtuE: Virtual Enterprises for Information Markets. In Proceedings of ECIS 02, 10th European Conference on Information Systems; Research Track: Digital Economy — Models for e-Business and m-Business. Gdansk, Poland, June, 2002, pp. 768–777. [Selected best paper of the 22 papers in its track]
        Earlier version: A. D'Atri and A. Motro. VirtuE: un Modello Formale per la Descrizione di Imprese Virtuali Operanti nel Mercato dell'Informazione. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop dei Docenti e Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale — L'interpretazione della realta` organizzativa, Genoa, Italy, February 2002, paper 29.
      2. A. D'Atri and A. Motro. VirtuE: a Formal Model of Virtual Enterprises for Information Markets. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol. 30, No. 1, February 2008, pp. 33–53.
      3. A. D'Atri and A. Motro. Evolving VirtuE. In Establishing the Foundation of Collaborative Networks, Proceedings of PRO-VE 07, 8th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Guimaraes, Portugal, September, 2007. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Vol. 243, Springer-Verlag, pp. 317–326.
      4. A. Cuzzocrea, A. D'Atri, A. Gualtieri, A. Motro, D. Saccà. Grid VirtuE: A Layered Architecture for Grid Virtual Enterprises. In Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems II Volume 1, Proceedings of CONFENIS 07, Second IFIP TC 8 International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, Beijing, China, October 2007. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Vol. 254, Springer-Verlag, pp. 33–42.
      5. A. D'Atri and A. Motro. Virtual Enterprise Transactions: A Cost Model. In Information Systems: People, Organizations, Institutions, and Technologies. Physica-Verlag, pp. 165–174, 2010.
        Earlier version: A. D'Atri and A. Motro. Virtual Enterprise Transactions: A Cost Model. In Proceedings of itAIS 08, Fifth Conference of the Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (at ICIS 08, International Conference on Information Systems), Paris, France, December 2008.
    2. Optimization of Virtual Enterprises
      1. A. Motro, A. D'Atri, A. Brodsky and N.E. Egge. Optimizing Procurement Decisions in Networked Virtual Enterprises. Internatinal Journal of Decision Support System Technology, Vol. 4, No 3, July 2012, pp. 43–67.
    3. SOAVE: A service-oriented platform for virtual enterprises
      1. A. Motro and Y. Guo. The SOAVE Platform: A Service Oriented Architecture for Virtual Enterprises. In Collaborative Networks in the Internet of Services, Proceedings of PRO-VE 12, 13th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Bournemouth, UK, October 2012. IFIP Advances in Information and Communications Technology, Vol. 380, Springer-Verlag, pp. 216–224.
      2. Y. Guo, A. Brodsky and A. Motro. OptiVE: An Interactive Platform for the Design and Analysis of Virtual Enterprises. In Proceedings of EI2N 13, 8th International Workshop on Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking, Graz, Austria, September 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 8186, Springer-Verlag, pp. 199–207.
      3. Y. Guo and A. Motro. Autonomy in Collaborative Manufacturing Networks. In Proceedings of CollaboratCom 14, 10th IEEE International Conference on Collabortive Computing, Miami, FL, October 2014, pp. 253–260.