package org.shaman.spatial; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; public class NodeWorker implements Callable { public static final int WORK_TRAIN = 1; // Train the instances public static final int WORK_SELECT = 2; // Test instances on neighbors. Select instances for next epoch. public static final int WORK_ASYNC = 3; // Train / Test on neighbors / Select instances / Replace instances private int work; private ClassifierNode node; private List neighbors; private SpatialEnsembleLearningThreaded selt; // ------ private Random random; private long duration; public NodeWorker(ClassifierNode node, List neighbors, SpatialEnsembleLearningThreaded selt) { this.node = node; this.neighbors = neighbors; this.random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis() % this.hashCode()); this.selt = selt; } public void setWork(int work) { = work; } public NodeWorker call() throws Exception { long tbeg, tend, spent; tbeg = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { // Execute either the Classification training or Instance selection step if ( == WORK_TRAIN) train(); else if ( == WORK_SELECT) selectSpatialProportional(); // Or do it all else if ( == WORK_ASYNC) { // Train the data-set on a other Classifier. Switch classifiers around when done. this.node.trainSafe(); // Select instances selectSpatialProportional(); // Switch instances to dataset this.node.setData(node.getSelectedInstances()); // Re-schedule execution this.selt.recycleNodeWorker(this); } } catch(Exception ex) { // Debug... Multi-threading issues are tricky. ex.printStackTrace(); // ? Re-throw to make sure the Threadpool kills off the failed thread. //throw(ex); } // Remember the time spent tend = System.currentTimeMillis(); spent = tend-tbeg; this.duration += spent; return this; } public void train() throws Exception { this.node.train(); } public long getTimeSpent() { Long spent = this.duration; this.duration = 0l; return(spent); } public ClassifierNode getNode() { return this.node; } // ***************************************************************\ // * Replace with proportional selection from neighbor instances * // ***************************************************************/ private void selectSpatialProportional() throws Exception { TreeSet weightOrderInstances; TreeMap sampleInstance; List zeroWeightInstances; double weightSum; List replaceSelect; // Test the instances of this Node on the neighboring classifiers. Weight them accordingly. testInstancesOnNeighbors(); // Collect all Instances from this Node and its neighboring nodes, ordered from high to low weight. weightOrderInstances = new TreeSet(new InstanceWeightComparator()); for(Instance instance: node.getData()) weightOrderInstances.add(instance); for(ClassifierNode neighbor: neighbors) for(Instance instance: neighbor.getData()) weightOrderInstances.add(instance); // Put instances in a TreeMap with as key the cumulative weight starting with highest weight instances sampleInstance = new TreeMap(); zeroWeightInstances = new LinkedList(); weightSum = 0; for(Instance instance: weightOrderInstances) { if (instance.weight() > 0) { weightSum += instance.weight(); sampleInstance.put(weightSum, instance); } else { // Keep the (worst) Instances with weight 0 in a separate list... So they don't overwrite the sampleInstance of the last instances with weight > 0. zeroWeightInstances.add(instance); } } Instance selectedInstance; Instances selectedInstances; // Replace the given fraction of instances replaceSelect = new LinkedList(); for(Instance instance: node.getData()) { // Replace with instance chosen with weight-proportionate selection. if (this.random.nextDouble() < SpatialEnsembleLearningThreaded.REPLACE_FRACTION) selectedInstance = selectWeightedInstance(sampleInstance, zeroWeightInstances); else selectedInstance = instance; // Make a copy with reset weight selectedInstance = (Instance)selectedInstance.copy(); selectedInstance.setWeight(1.0); replaceSelect.add(selectedInstance); } selectedInstances = new Instances(node.getData(), replaceSelect.size()); selectedInstances.addAll(replaceSelect); selectedInstances.randomize(this.random); // Remember replacements for this Node. Don't replace yet because this Node is a neighbor for other Nodes and these still need the weight of this epoch. // System.out.println("In NodeWorker setting the instaces() for node " + node.hashCode()); node.setSelectedInstances(selectedInstances); } private Instance selectWeightedInstance(TreeMap instances, List zeroWeightInstances) { double ran; Double wkey; // Pick a random number in [0, sum of instance weights] ran = this.random.nextDouble()*instances.lastKey(); // Find the Instance for which the sum of weight of all previous instances is closest wkey = instances.higherKey(ran); // When beyond the highest weight, pick the last one when available. Or one of the zero-weight instances when available. if (wkey == null) { if (zeroWeightInstances.size() == 0) return instances.get(instances.lastKey()); else return zeroWeightInstances.get(this.random.nextInt(zeroWeightInstances.size())); } // Return instance selected by weight-proportionate selection. else return instances.get(wkey); } private void testInstancesOnNeighbors() throws Exception { Instances nodeset; int i; double []weight; double conf, minconf; nodeset = node.getData(); weight = new double[nodeset.size()]; // For all instance in this node's dataset i = 0; for(Instance instance: nodeset) { // Test on neighbors. Remember most difficult test minconf = Double.MAX_VALUE; for(ClassifierNode neighbor: neighbors) { conf = neighbor.classify(instance); if (conf < minconf) minconf = conf; } // ********** DISABLE WEIGHTING ******* //minconf = 1.0; // ************************************ weight[i++] = minconf; } double wdiff, wmax, wmin; // Normalize weight with the highest weight is the most difficult instance wmax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; wmin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (i=0; i wmax) wmax = weight[i]; for (i=0; i 1.0) weight[i] = 1.0 + weight[i]*(SpatialEnsembleLearningThreaded.WEIGHT_RATIO-1.0); } } else { for (i=0; i a.weight()) return(1); else if (b.weight() < a.weight()) return(-1); else return new Integer(b.hashCode()).compareTo(new Integer(a.hashCode())); } } }