package weka.classifiers.meta.spatial; import weka.classifiers.AbstractClassifier; import weka.classifiers.Classifier; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; /** * Node holding Classifier and the Training Data. * @author Uday Kamath * @author johan kaers */ public class ClassifierNode // TODO: extends org.shaman.graph.Node implements .GraphNode { private Instances data; // The dataset to train the classifier on private AbstractClassifier classifier; // The Weka Classifier used to test instances on private AbstractClassifier trainClassiifer; // and the one to train the dataset on private Instances selectedInstances; // The instances selected for the next epoch // Dataset to train on public void setData(Instances data) { = data; } public void setClassifier(Classifier classifier) throws Exception { // Make a copy of the Classifier template to train with and to test on. this.classifier = (AbstractClassifier)AbstractClassifier.makeCopy(classifier); this.trainClassiifer = (AbstractClassifier)AbstractClassifier.makeCopy(classifier); } public Classifier getClassifier(){ return this.classifier; } public Instances getData() { return; } // Derive classification model from dataset public void train() throws Exception { this.classifier.buildClassifier(; } public void trainSafe() throws Exception { AbstractClassifier trainClassifier, tempClassifier; trainClassifier = this.trainClassiifer; tempClassifier = this.classifier; trainClassifier.buildClassifier(; this.classifier = trainClassifier; this.trainClassiifer = tempClassifier; } // Set label of instance and return confidence of classification public double classify(Instance instance) throws Exception { double []pc; double maxp; maxp = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; pc = this.classifier.distributionForInstance(instance); for(int i=0; i maxp) maxp = pc[i]; return(maxp); } public double [][]testConfusion(Instances instances) throws Exception { Attribute atclass; double [][]cmatrix; double []conf; double maxconf; int numclass, instanceclass, maxidx; // Create confusion matrix for the given test-set of instances atclass = instances.classAttribute(); numclass = atclass.numValues(); cmatrix = new double[numclass][numclass]; for(Instance instance: instances) { instanceclass = (int)instance.classValue(); conf = this.classifier.distributionForInstance(instance); maxconf = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; maxidx = -1; for(int i=0; i maxconf) { maxconf = conf[i]; maxidx = i; } cmatrix[instanceclass][maxidx]++; } return(cmatrix); } public void setSelectedInstances(Instances instances) { this.selectedInstances = instances; } public Instances getSelectedInstances() { return this.selectedInstances; } }