Topics Midterm 2 CS112 – Spring 2008
Check for updates… this document will most likely be updated a few times!
Last update: 4/7/08 8:20 AM

-    Know how to invoke a function
-    Define a function that returns something
            - Multiple return values?
-    What is variable scope
-    Know that all functions return something… if not defined, they return None
-    Pass by value versus pass by reference
        o    What happens when things get modified in a function?
            •    Immutable variables (String, int, float, char)?
            •    Mutable variables: Lists
-    How to create and use default parameters
-    How to create and use named parameters

Statements versus Expressions
- Know the difference between statements and expressions and be able to identify either

-    Know how to use and modify lists (mutable)
-    Know how to use and modify int/float/char/String (immutable)
-    Know how to slice out portions of a list or String (it’s the same for both!)

-    What is step versus next versus out
-    What is a breakpoint?
-    Debugging is the process of finding and fixing problems in programs. Know that

-    Know how to identify and define these error types:
        o    syntax - incorrect syntax due to spelling errors, missing operators, etc. ,
        o    run-time - compiled/interpreted, but crashes when encounters certain data sets
        o    logic errors - executes, but provides incorrect or inconsistent outputs

-    How do you create a for loop (definite loop)
-    How do you create a while loop (indefinite loop)
-    Know what break does
-    Know what continue does
-    Know how to use if/elif/else
-    How to create a text menu using a loop

File IO
-    What can happen if you don’t close the file?
-    Processing sequence: open, read, close
-    File modes, what are the differences (r, w, a)
-    Know how to read files using at least one of these: read, readline, readlines, for loop method. If I ask you to write code to read a file, you should know how to do it.
-    If I ask you how to write code to write a file, you should know how to do it
-    What is \n ?
-    What do I do with \n when reading from a file? When writing to a file?

-    General process to create a widget
        o    Know specifically how to create a Label and Button!
-    What does pack do?
-    What does the mainloop do? Can you write it in pseudocode?
-    What is a callback? How do I set it for a Button?
-    Given documentation for a widget, know how to read and use it. For example, given the REFERENCE SECTION ONLY can you use this:   (Note, I won’t give you Button, you should know how to use it without docs, but given docs like this could you use a widget you haven’t seen before?)
-    Know what pack does… and options: side, padx, pady
-    Know how to create a Frame, and root window
-    What does bind do?
        o    How do I use it to capture mouse clicks (specifically location of the click)
-    Passing functions as parameters instead of calling them… what is the difference in syntax?
-    Identify a program as batch or event based
-    What is a Dialog box? Why are there libraries of them?
        o    Know how to ask a Yes or No question using them.
-    How do you add a title to your window?

-    What is the difference between a Class and an Object?
-    Know how to create a class and use it
        o    What is self?
        o    Can you write a simple class that holds data and defines operations?
-    Know how to construct an Object:
        o    Example: myLbl = Label( …. ) # Construct a label
-    Know how to call an operation on an object:
        o    Example: myLbl.someOperation()
-    Know how to use (define and retrieve) instance variables

Boolean Logic and Algebra
-    Know how to simplify a boolean expression using DeMorgan’s laws

All topics from Midterm 1