CS 112
Project 3
due -- Sections 001, 002: May 7, 2006

The Program

The program will play a tournament of Paper, Scissors, Rock.  The tournament will begin with 16 players (you will pick their names) and play four rounds.  In a round each player entering the round will play one game (so there will be eight games in the first round).  Each round after the first will be entered by the winners of the previous round and hence have half the number of players of the previous round.  Round four will have two players and the winner of this round will be the winner of the tournament.  In each round each player will have a seed number from 0 to ((the number of players in the round) - 1).

Each round will begin with the number of the round displayed.  The round will then run in a loop which will terminate when all games for that round have been displayed.  On each pass the players who have not yet played in the round will be displayed along with their seed numbers.  The user will pick a player by entering a seed number.  The program will then pair this player with another whose seed number is ((number of players in the round) - (seed number of the first player) - 1), and these two players will play a game of Paper, Scissors, Rock.  In case of a tie the players will play until one of them wins.

Please read here to see a sample tournament before continuing.


Your program will have four classes, each in its own source file.  The classes are:
You should code the classes in the order in which they are described below.  Refer to the example at the link above to see what is to be displayed.

Class PlayerRecord

This class contains three public instance variables and a constructor, and is used to store data on an individual player.  There is a String instance variable, name, to hold the player's name, and two boolean instance variables: played (whether the player has played in the current round) and won (whether the player has won a game in the current round).  The constructor will takes a String parameter which is used to initiialize name.  The two booleans are initialized to false.

Class Game

This class has only static members and its only public method is play.  Three integer constants ("private static final int") will be defined:  SCISSORS (0), ROCK (1), and PAPER (2) and a random number generator (instance of class Random) will be created.  play will take two parameters, a (reference to) playerRecord for each player.  play will randomly choose PAPER, SCISSORS, or ROCK for each player then determine the winner using the rule PAPER beats ROCK, ROCK beats SCISSORS, SCISSORS beats PAPER.  (Note: a simpler Paper, Scissors, Rock game can be found at http://cs.gmu.edu/~dnord/cs112/examples/PaperScissorsRock.java.)  The players' choices (along with their names) are displayed as well as the winner or tie.  If there is a tie (players make the same choice) the game is repeated until one player wins.  After the game the boolean values of the PlayerRecord instances are updated (won according to the result of the game and played gets true for both players).  You should write other (private) methods to do the work of finding a String representation for the integer constants (for reporting in play) and to determine the winner or tie.

Before continuing in the project you should write a test driver which will run your program so far.  A test driver is a short program used for testing and debugging which will call the method(s) which you wish to test..  Do not continue in the project until you are certain that your Game class works properly.  You will not hand in your test driver as part the assignment.

Class Round

This class does most of the work for the program.  It will have (private) instance variables int playerCount for the number of players in this round, an array PlayerRecord[] currentPlayers of player records, one for each player in the current round, and a (static) Scanner to take keyboard input from the user.  The constructor will take two parameters:  the (integer) number of players in the round (and assign this to playerCount) and an array of Strings.  This array will have the names of the players in the current round.  The constructor will fill the currentPlayers array with new instances of PlayerRecord using the names from this parameter..

Each player will have a seed number in the range 0 to playerCount - 1 which is equal to its index in currentPlayers.  In real life seeds would be numbered from 1 to playerCount but we choose this numbering to make the coding less confusing.  You will write a (private) method which will display the names of all of the players who have not yet played in this round (check the played member of its player record) preceded by seed numbers and another which will display the names only of the players who have won in this round.

The playGame method in this class will play a single game.  It will first display a list of all players (prececed by their seed numbers) in this round who have not yet played (call another method for this) and then ask the user to choose a player by entering a seed number.  If the number entered doesn't correspond to a player in this list keep asking the user until he or she gets it right.  The player is paired with the player whose seed is (playerCount - seed number of other player - 1) who will be the opponent.  Display the two players' names, saying that they will be playing this game, and then call Game.play passing the player records of the players as parameters.

The (public) playRound method will call playGame in a loop which will run playerCount/2 times to play all games of the round.  It will then display the names of the winners of the round and return a String array with the names of these winners.  (This list will be used to play the next round.)

Before continuing write a test driver (not to be submitted with your project) to test and debug this class.  It should create an instance of Round, passing a number such as 4, 8, or 16 (for playerCount) and a String array with that many names to the constructor.  Do not continue in the project until you are certain that your Round class works properly.

Class PSR

This class has the main.  It will create an array of 16 names (you make them up) as a (static) instance variable.  A String array playersLeft will initially be this array of names.  main will run in a loop which will play the rounds of the game.  In this loop it will first display the number of  the round (1, 2, 3, 4) and then create and instance of Round passing the number of remaining players and the String array playersLeft to the constructor as parameters.  It will then call playRound for this instance and save the array it returns as playersLeft in preparation for the next round (next pass through the loop).