Package ec.util

package ec.util
  • Class
    Thrown when you attempt to create a Parameter from bad path items.
    Checkpoints ec.EvolutionState objects out to checkpoint files, or restores the same from checkpoint files.
    Code provides some simple wrapper functions for encoding and decoding basic data types for storage in a pseudo-Java source code strings format.
    DecodeReturn is used by Code to provide varied information returned when decoding.
    An immutable 2-dimensional point.
    A simple interface (simpler than List) for accessing random-access objects without changing their size.
    Maintains a simple array (objs) of ints and the number of ints (numObjs) in the array (the array can be bigger than this number).
    A simple line-by-line String tokenizer.
    Modified from apache mail-archives.
    Defines a log to which Output outputs.
    A LogRestarter is an abstract superclass of objects which are capable of restarting logs after a computer failure.
    MersenneTwister and MersenneTwisterFast
    MersenneTwister and MersenneTwisterFast
    Miscellaneous static utility methods.
    Outputs and logs system messages, errors, and other various items printed as a result of a run.
    Thrown whenever a problem occurs when attempting to output to a Log.
    This exception is thrown by the Parameter Database when it fails to locate and load a class specified by a given parameter as requested.
    A Parameter is an object which the ParameterDatabase class uses as a key to associate with strings, forming a key-value pair.
    This extension of the Properties class allows you to set, get, and delete Parameters in a hierarchical tree-like database.
    Implementations of various center-pivot QuickSort routines in Java, and (if you really want 'em) Insertion Sort routines as well.
    RandomChoice organizes arrays of floats into distributions which can be used to pick randomly from.
    Used by RandomChoice to pick objects by probability from a distribution.
    Used by RandomChoice to pick objects by probability from a distribution.
    The interface for passing objects to ec.util.QuickSort
    The interface for passing objects to ec.util.QuickSort A simple, lightweight thread pool, for those who cannot or will not use Java's baroque java.util.concurrent package.
    A Worker is a special kind of object which represents an underlying Worker thread usable in the ThreadPool.
    Version is a static class which stores version information for this evolutionary computation system.