SugarScape in MASON

By Tony Bigbee

MASON Sugarscape is a general replication of the classic Sugarscape model described in Growing Artificial Societies (Epstein and Axtell, 1996). The majority of agent and environment behavior rules are replicated, including the most complex rule Trade. Agents move about a landscape having acquirable sugar and spice resources; agents have different metabolic rates for these resources, can reproduce, change culture over time, trade, and trade via dynamic culture preferences. Rules may be selectively enabled or disabled at runtime as well as their order of execution.

MASON Sugarscape features:

  • Implementation of rules G,M,T,K,R,S, Sαβγ, P,D
  • Ability to automatically and log all states in agents and resources states as a simple runtime parameter
  • Completely automated infrastructure for running experiments, parameter sweeps, and graphing results (graph support for two independent and one dependent variables).
  • Ability to easily extend graphing capabilities using free JFreeChart

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