CS 161 - Introduction to Programming, Java

Last Modified: Monday, 29 November 1999


For an overview, check the course syllabus.


A ZIP archive (14K) contains all the review notes. A larger self extracting ZIP archive (86K) is also available if you don't have a ZIP utility.

A more easily printable PDF (37K) version is also available.

The review pages above are not sufficient to study from. These review pages only note highlights of material covered in the lectures and in the notes available below that may be covered on the final, which is summarized here.

Week 5: Interfaces, GUIs, and Applets

A ZIP archive (29K) contains all the lecture material for the last lecture and is identical to these web page contents. A larger self extracting ZIP archive (101K) is also available if you don't have a ZIP utility.

A more easily printable PDF (50K) version is also available.

Here are some quick links to the session's material:

Week 4: Java's Object Orientation, I/O

A ZIP archive (44K) contains all the lecture material for the fourth week's class and is identical to these web page contents. A larger self extracting ZIP archive (116K) is also available if you don't have a ZIP utility.

A more easily printable PDF (70K) version is also available.

Here are some quick links to the session's material:

Week 3: Java Arrays, Objects, Methods

A ZIP archive (33K) contains all the lecture material for the third week's class and is identical to these web page contents. A larger self extracting ZIP archive (105K) is also available if you don't have a ZIP utility.

A more easily printable PDF (64K) version is also available.

Here are some quick links to the session's material:

Week 2: the Java Language

A ZIP archive (47K) contains all the lecture material for the second week's class and is identical to these web page contents. A larger self extracting ZIP archive (119K) is also available if you don't have a ZIP utility.

A more easily printable PDF (89K) version is also available.

Here are some quick links to the session's material:

Week 1: Administrivia & Elements of the Java Platform

A ZIP archive contains all the lecture material for the first week's class and is identical to these web page contents. You'll need the JDK jar tool or Info-ZIP's UnZip or WinZip or PKZip or some other tool capable of reading ZIP format files to access the archive contents.

A printable version in PDF format is also available. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader or some other tool capable of reading PDF format files to use this.

Here are some quick links to the session's material:

Jonathan Doughty