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Try here"); } else { $row = mysql_fetch_object($res); if (empty($author_id)) $author_id = $row->id; if (empty($author)) $author = $row->ident; $surname = $row->surname; $name = $row->name; $ident = $row->ident; $indexed = $row->indexed; mysql_free_result($res); if ($indexed != $status_list[2] || !$pubs_type_biblio){ titlu("left", "$title_bg", "FFFFFF", ''.$publication.'s of '. (empty($row->homepage)?"":"homepage."\" title=\"Home page of ".$surname." " .$name."\" target=\"_blank\">"). ($indexed == $status_list[2] ? "":"").$surname." ".$name."". ($indexed == $status_list[2] ? "":""). (empty($row->homepage)?"":""). ($indexed == $status_list[1] ? " (past $team_name member)":""). (!empty($user) ? " (edit)":""). "   $dwn_btn "; $keyword = str_replace(",", "','", $keyword); $query = "SELECT $tb_publications.*, count($tb_publications.id) as nr_keyw FROM ".$tb_publications. ", $tb_pub_to_keyw, $tb_keywords WHERE $tb_keywords.name in ('".$keyword. //"') AND $tb_pub_to_keyw.id_keyw in ('".$keyword. "') AND $tb_pub_to_keyw.id_pub=".$tb_publications.".id ". " AND $tb_pub_to_keyw.id_keyw=$tb_keywords.id "; if ($ord == "year") { $res = mysql_db_query($db_bibliography, "SELECT DISTINCT year FROM $tb_publications ORDER BY year DESC;"); if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)){ $querye = $query." AND ".$tb_publications.".year='".$row->year."' 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