Last Updated: 2015-10-23 Fri 15:07

CS 100 HW 5: Web Pages and Encryption


Table of Contents

1 Instructions

  • Complete the problems in each section below which is labelled Problem
  • Sections that are not labelled Problem are designed to help you solve the HW problems so make sure to read the information contained there.
  • This is an individual assignment: you must do your own work and may not share or compare answers with other students. If you are struggling, ask questions on Piazza, seek help from the TA or professor, and review the class notes and tutorial links provided.
  • Do your work in an acceptable electronic format which are limited to the following
    • A Microsoft Word Document (.doc or .docx extension)
    • A PDF (portable document format, .pdf)

    You may work in other programs (Apple Words, Google Docs, etc.) but make sure you can export/"save as" your work to an acceptable format before submitting it.

  • Submit your work to our Blackboard site.
    • Log into Blackboard
    • Click on CS 100->HW Assignments->HW 5
    • Press the button marked "Attach File: Browse My Computer"
    • Select your file
    • Click submit on Blackboard
  • If you want verbose feedback print a copy of your assignment and submit it in class on the due date. You must still submit an electronic version.
  • Submit 2 files to our Blackboard site.
    • Log into Blackboard
    • Click on CS 100->HW Assignments->HW 5
    • Press the button marked "Attach File: Browse My Computer"
    • Select your HW Writeup file (.doc .docx .pdf .html .txt only)
    • Again: Press the button marked "Attach File: Browse My Computer"
    • This time select your hw5.html and attach it.
    • Click Submit
  • Make sure the HW Writeup has your information in it:
    CS 100 HW 5 Writeup
    Turanga Leela tleela4 G07019321

2 Basic Encryption

In class we studied two very basic symmetric encryption techinques, the Caesar Cipher and the Vigenere Cipher. We covered these during Week 7-2 and 8-1. The next two problems will have you do a little encoding and code breaking.

Problems 3-5 use the following table of number to letter correspondences. Notice the underscore ( _ ) is the last character so there are 27 letters in this alphabet numbered 0 to 26. Underscore will be used in place of spaces in messages

# Char # Char
0 A 13 N
1 B 14 O
2 C 15 P
3 D 16 Q
4 E 17 R
5 F 18 S
6 G 19 T
7 H 20 U
8 I 21 V
9 J 22 W
10 K 23 X
11 L 24 Y
12 M 25 Z
    26 _

For example the word HOMER_BOWLS would be converted to numbers as

7 14 12 4 17 26 1 14 22 11 18

3 Problem 1: Basic Caesar Cipher

Use the Caesar cipher to encrypt the following message using the given key.

  • Message: EAT_MY_SHORTS
  • Key: 14

Decrypt the following message using the given key.

  • Message: XLBRP
  • Key: 11

What to put in your HW Write-up

  • Put your encrypted and decrypted messages in your write-up
  • Make sure to show some work so you can garner some partial credit in case things go wrong and your final answer is a little off

4 Caesar Cipher Python

The Python code below has functions to do both encryption and decryption of Caesar ciphered messages. It is demonstrated on the message AY_CARUMBA. To encrypt call the ceasear_encrypt(message,key) function

plain = "AY_CARUMBA"
key = 14
encrypted = caesar_encrypt(plain,key)

To decrypt, use the caesar_decrypt(message,key) function as in

decrypted = caesar_decrypt(encrypted,key)

Both encrypted and decrypted messages can then be printed as in

print("encrypted: "+encrypted)
print("decrypted: "+decrypted)

The full code to support the Caesar cipher is below. You can use this code the check your answers for Problem 3 and will need to use it for Problem 4.

# Caesar cipher python functions to encode and decode
# Valide letters are A-Z and _

# 27 letters: A-Z plus _
numbers_letters = [ (0,"A"), (1,"B"), (2,"C"), (3,"D"), (4,"E"), (5,"F"), (6,"G"), (7,"H"), 
                    (8,"I"), (9,"J"), (10,"K"), (11,"L"), (12,"M"), (13,"N"), (14,"O"), (15,"P"),
                    (16,"Q"), (17,"R"), (18,"S"), (19,"T"), (20,"U"), (21,"V"), (22,"W"), (23,"X"),
                    (24,"Y"), (25,"Z"), (26,"_"),]
alphabet_size = len(numbers_letters)

# Convert a number to a letter
def number2letter(num):
    for (n,l) in numbers_letters:
        if n==num:
            return l
    raise Exception("No letter for number "+str(num))

# Convert a letter to a number
def letter2number(let):
    for (n,l) in numbers_letters:
        if l==let:
            return n
    raise Exception("No number for letter "+str(let))

# Encrypt some text according to the caesar cipher using the give key
def caesar_encrypt(plain_text, key):
    encrypted_letters = []
    for plain_letter in plain_text:
        plain_number = letter2number(plain_letter)
        encrypted_number = (plain_number + key) % alphabet_size
        encrypted_letter = number2letter(encrypted_number)
    encrypted_text = "".join(encrypted_letters)
    return encrypted_text

# Decrypt some text according to the caesar cipher using the give key
def caesar_decrypt(encrypted_text, key):
    plain_letters = []
    for encrypted_letter in encrypted_text:
        encrypted_number = letter2number(encrypted_letter)
        plain_number = (encrypted_number + alphabet_size - key) % alphabet_size
        plain_letter = number2letter(plain_number)
    plain_text = "".join(plain_letters)
    return plain_text

# Demonstration of using the caesar_encrypt() and ceasar_decrypt() functions
plain = "AY_CARUMBA"
key = 14
encrypted = caesar_encrypt(plain,key)
decrypted = caesar_decrypt(encrypted,key)
print("plain:     "+plain)
print("encrypted: "+encrypted)
print("decrypted: "+decrypted)

# Try to decrypt this text. The secret key is between 0 and 26

5 Problem 2: Cracking the Caesar Cipher

At the bottom of the python code above is a secret message.

# Try to decrypt this text. The secret key is between 0 and 26

Copy all the python from the previous section into a file called and then write a loop at the bottom to try every possible key in the Caesar cipher to decrypt the secret_message.. Use the function caesar_decrypt(encrypted_text,key) and print the strings it returns in the loop. Many of them will look like gibberish such as decoding using the keys 1 and 2 which should give the messages

key: 1
key: 2

However, one of the keys should give a decrypted message that looks like actual English and it is the answer. Print out which key is used to try the decryption so you'll be able to determine the secret key for future use.

You can do this by hand if you like, but it's much faster to use Python in a loop to perform this brute force attack to try every possible key.

What to put in your HW Write-up

  • Show the python code for the loop you used to do your brute force attack and try every possible key
  • Show the key that you determined decrypted the mesage
  • Show the decrypted message text (Hint: it's the setting for America's longest running primetime series)

6 Problem 3: Vigenere Cipher

Food Corp would like to determine the secret ingredient to the Flaming Moe, a popular beverage at a local food establishment. Unfortunately, the proprietor, Moe, is not willing to sell the recipe. Food Corp was able to intercept an encrypted messasge which they believe contains the secret ingredient. They know that Moe favors using the Vigenere cipher and know from his Facebook page that the secret key is likely to be the name of one of his two most stalwart customers.

Crack the secret message below by decrypting the Secret Message using one of the two keys below. Only one key will produce a meaningful message which will be the secret ingredient to the Flaming Moe.

  • Secret Message: JBFKYGFJVKW
  • Potential Key 1: BARNEY
  • Potential Key 2: HOMER

What to put in your HW Write-up

  • Show the key that you determined decrypted the mesage
  • Show the decrypted message text (Hint: it's not love)
  • Make sure to show some work so you can garner some partial credit in case things go wrong and your final answer is a little off

7 Set up your Personal Web Site

Every student at GMU web space on the mason server to set up a personal web site. This is very useful for advertising yourself to potential employers and can be generally fun. Problems 1 and 2 center around setting up the your personal site. You will need to perform several steps.

  1. Create a personal web page on your local computer which is an HTML file along with any pictures you want to use (Problem 1)
  2. Get a communications tool that allows your computer to talk to the mason server.
  3. Set up your web directory on mason and transfer your personal web page and pictures from your personal computer to the mason server. (Problem 2)

The sections preceding Problem 1 walk you through the process of creating an HTML page on your personal computer.

The section preceding Problem 2 walks you through the steps to transfer the page to the mason web server.

Make sure to follow the instructions closely to finish the next two problems.

8 Get a Text Editor for Web Pages

An web page is as simple as a text document with some code in a specific display language, the Hyper Text Markup Language, HTML for short. To create a web page on your computer, choose a sensible location (folder) such as Desktop/cs100/hw5/ and create a text file there. Unfortunately, Windows 7-10 and Mac OS X lack a good text editor for web pages so in this section gives instructions on how to download and install Sublime Text Editor which is available on all major computing platforms and does a good job of editing HTML pages.

Installing Sublime Text 2 on Mac OS X

Video Tutorial for Sublime Text 2 on Mac OS X. The basic steps are as follows.

  • Visit and download the Mac OS X version of the program
  • When the download completes, open the Sublime Text Build.dmg file by clicking in the browser download or finding the downloaded file in Finder
  • When a window opens showing the contents of the DMG, drag the Sublime Text icon into the Applications folder.
  • Wait for the installation to complete, then search for Sublime Text in Applications or Spotlight to run the program.

Installing Sublime Text 2 on Windows

Video Tutorial to install Sublime Text 2 on Windows. The basic steps are as follows.

  • Visit and download the Windows version. Most folks with newer computers should be able to use the 64-bit version but if you attempt to install it and receive errors, try downloading the 32-bit version instead.
  • When the download completes, open the Sublime Text 2 Install file by clicking in the browser download or finding the downloaded file on your Desktop/Downloads folder.
  • Follow the installation instructions; the default options such as install location should be fine.
  • When installation is complete, search for Sublim Text 2 in your programs folder or using the Windows search functionality to start it.

Other Text Editor Options

If you are already acquainted with a text editor you like, don't feel obliged to use Sublime. Windows Notepad will do in a pinch though it does not support HTML editing very well. Mac OS X TextEdit is not a good choice at it is difficult to get it to edit plain text.

Creating a Simple Web Page with Sublime Text Editor

Open Sublime Text Editor which should display an empty text file.

Immediately save the file somewhere sensible such as your Desktop/cs100/hw5/ folder. Name the file hw5.html when you save it. This will cause Sublime recognize the file as an HTML document and start applying colors to certain special elements.

File Extensions Note: make sure that you save the file with the extension .html so that it is treated as a web page. Windows and Mac have a tendency to hide the .html part so it can be hard to tell exactly what the extension is sometimes. If have trouble, you should adjust your system settings to show the file extensions using one of the following sets of instructions.

Type the following text into the HTML document.


Save your hw5.html file in Sublime. Then find the file in the folder where you stored it.

saved-html.png saved-file.png

Double clicking it should open the file in a web browser.

display-html.png sublime-web.png

A good idea is to keep Notepad open with your HTML in it and your browser open to render of the HTML next to it. As you make changes to the HTML, save the file then click the Refresh button in the web browser and you will see the changes in the web page.

sublime-with-browser.png sublime-with-browser2.png

9 Problem 4: Create a Personal Web Page in HTML

Create a personal web page in a file called hw5.html.

For full credit your web page should have all of the following things in it

  1. A proper title in the title bar using the <title> tags
  2. Your full name and major
  3. A picture of yourself, preferably one in which your face is visible, you are fully clothed, and that is an appropriate size. Make sure that your picture is in the same local folder as the hw5.html or you won't be able to see it.
  4. A short paragraph on your interests ("When I'm not studying I like to…", "I really enjoy … and …").
  5. A list of 3 things you have learned so far in CS 100. This list must be a numbered list coded in HTML using the <ol> tag.
  6. A link to the CS 100 lectures slides. Visit the page and copy the link. Write the text CS 100 Lecture Slides for the clickable link text for this link.
  7. A link to another student's HW 5 page. This means you'll have to find out the web address of someone else's hw5.html once they have it online so that your HTML page links to theirs. You may need to come back to this step after other students complete the HW. Make sure to include the name of the other student's page as the clickable link text. For example Chris Kauffman's personal web page.
  8. A link to Prof. Kauffman's Home Page which is here: The link should have the the following text associated with it
    Recent research has shown beard loss increases the computer power of professors.

    so that clicking that text directs one to Prof. Kauffman's page. This text will potentially influence internet search engine results so that a search for those words may show the linked web page as a top hit (a Google Bomb).

We will discuss most of the above concepts in HTML during lecture. The lecture notes and code for those discussions will be on the lecture slides page so review the slide forget to do something with HTML.

What to put in your HW Write-up

  • Once you have your hw5.html finished, show it in the web browswer and take a screenshot of it. Put the screeshot of your HW Write-up.
  • When submitting your write-up, also submit your hw5.html file to Blackboard.

10 Communicating with the mason server

In order to move files on your local computer to the mason server, we will use some simple programs that utilize the Secure File Transfer Protocol called SFTP for short. An older protocol was called just FTP as it did not use encryption to ensure the connection was secure. The protocol is a way for one computer to talk to another computer, similar to the Internet Protocol, however SFTP includes the ability to issue commands like "I have a file, put it on the server" or "The server has a file, get it from the server and put it on my computer" and "Server, make a directory (mkdir) for me to put files in."

The following instructions give an overview of how to use SFTP on Windows and Mac. After these individual sections, the next section outlines the commands you run in case you get into trouble and need to understand them more.

11 PuTTY On Windows

Windows does not come with a built in SFTP tool so you'll need to get one. Download and install the PuTTY communication tools. The download link is here:

Look for the link title A Windows installer for everything except PuTTYtel and click it


Once downloaded, run through the installer program to load all the putty programs onto your computer.

You should now be able to use the PSFTP program which you should be able to locate by doing a search.


When started, PSFTP looks a little barren like this:


You'll first want to open up a connection to the mason server. If it is your first time connecting, you'll likely be warned that you've never connected before to which you should just answer y for yes. Subsequent logins will not warn you.

Your username and password on mason are your GMU NetID (first part of your Mason email) and password. Type them in when prompted. Note that below the lines where you must type are highlighted in yellow but when you are working the lines will likely not be highlighted.


Note that as you type your password, no characters will appear on the screen so type carefully.

On successfully logging in you'll get a message about what the Remote Folder is.

Once you have logged into mason, you'll need to run a series of commands to move files from your local computer to the the remote mason server. The picture below shows what I typed which will be similar to what you'll need to type but not exactly the same as I have my hw5.html file in a folder on my desktop that might be different from where you put it and my user name is different than yours, both on my local machine and on mason. Refer to the sftp section for more details about what specifically to do. Note that the example below does not completely set up your web page so make sure the read the SFTP section to finish the process.


12 sftp On Mac OS X

Mac OS X comes with a built in SFTP tool so you don't need to get any new programs. You will need to use the Terminal program to run sftp though.

You can access the Terminal by searching for it using the OS X search functionality. Every Mac has a terminal as OS X is a flavor of unix under the hood.


When started, the terminal looks similar to Python's interactive prompt.


Within, the terminal you'll use the sftp program to communicate with the server. On starting, the program requires you to tell it what server you are connecting to and what you username on the server is. By username is ckauffm2 and I am connecting to the machine so I would start the sftp program as follows.


You will need to change your username to whatever your NetID is. If it is your first time connecting to mason, you'll get a warning to which you should just answer yes.

If all goes well you will be prompted for your password which is identical to your normal GMU password for Blackboard and email access. Type it in (but note that no characters will be shown on the screen).


When started, sftp looks a little barren like this:


Once you have logged into mason, you'll need to run a series of commands to move files from your local computer to the the remote mason server. The picture below shows what I typed which will be similar to what you'll need to type but not exactly the same as I have my hw5.html file in a folder on my desktop that might be different from where you put it and my user name is different than yours, both on my local machine and on mason. Refer to the sftp section for more details about what specifically to do. Note that the example below does not completely set up your web page so make sure the read the SFTP section to finish the process.


13 sftp Commands

Logging In

When logging into mason you'll need to log in using your username and password at some point. These are your NetID (first part of your mason email address) and your Mason password.

The address of the mason machine is On some platforms (Windows), once you start SFTP (or PSFTP), you'll need to ask to open the connection as in


after which you will be prompted for your username and password.

On other platforms (Mac), just to start SFTP you'll need to specify both your username and the machine you are connecting to. For example:

lila [~]% sftp
^^^^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

In the above example, the first PROMPT part is shown in the terminal and does not matter much. I typed in the command sftp and instructed the program my username on the server is ckauffm2 and the address of the server is There is an @ (AT) sign in between the username and machine address to get it to work right so the whole commmand is


which looks a lot like an email address.

Remote and Local Folders

Once you are logged in, you can issue commands to the server to show you information. While operating in SFTP, the program will keep track of two folders

Remote Folder
The Remote Folder is where SFTP is looking on the server machine. It is usually printed out on first logging in but can always be shown using the pwd command.
lila [~]% sftp
Connected to
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /home/u2/ckauffm2

In the above, my initial remote folder is /home/u2/ckauffm2 which is my home directory on the mason server.

Local Folder
The Local Folder is where SFTP is looking on your personal computer. The starting local folder varies a lot from one system to the next but you can use the lpwd command to show you where you are at any given moment.

On Windows, when I started PSFTP and type lpwd

psftp> lpwd
C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY

it show shows me the Local Folder on the next line. This local folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY) is where the PuTTY programs live and is not particularly useful for transfering data so we'll likely want to change it.

On Mac OS X, when I started sftp in the termainal and typed the command lpwd

sftp> lpwd

it shows me the Local Folder on the next line. This local folder (/Users/home/kauffman) is my home directory on my personal laptop but I don't keep any of my coursework there so I'll want to change it.

You can change both the Remote Folder and the Local folder in SFTP by issuing the right set of commands. You can also create and remove directories in the Remote Folder. Below is an example of how to set up your web directory the first time.

Changing Permissions and Setting Up your Web Folder

Note: you only need to do the steps in this section once to set up your permissions and web directory. Once done, you can skip to the next section if you have an existing web page that you want to change.

Once you log in to mason, the first thing to do is change the permission on your home directory to allow others to get into subdirectories like your web directory. Changing the permissions is done with the chmod command which takes the permissions to change to and the file/folder to change. Permissions are screwy but the following is the right command to issue.

chmod 711 .

Note the dot at the end which means "the current directory" which always starts as your home directory.

Next you'll want to create a web folder which on mason is always in your home folder and is always called public_html. Making a folder/directory is done using the command mkdir followed by the name of the new folder.

mkdir public_html

This folder must have slightly different permissions to allow others to read its contents. Use chmod again as in

chmod 755 public_html

Once the public_html folder is set up, anything that is put in it will be served up over the web. For example if I put a file like how-the-internet-works.txt in the public_html folder, then someone can go to certain web address and find that file. Since my GMU username is ckauffm2 and my files are on the mason server, the web address to go to is Note the tilde (~) symbol which often is associated with user names on a server.

If my user name were instead kauffman, the web address of the file in my public_html folder would be but that's not my username so you won't find anything at that address.

If I put another file like hw5.html in the public_html folder on mason, I can find it at If that web page has any pictures in in like chris.jpg, then I'll need to put chris.jpg in the public_html folder on mason as well.

Getting Stuff on the Web

During an SFTP session, you'll need to change the Remote Folder to public_html and then change the Local Folder to wherever your upload files are located on your personal computer. You can then move files from Local to Remote Folders.

Changing the Remote Directory to the the web directory is done using the cd (change directory) command.

cd public_html

Now we're ready to put something onto the server in the Remote Directory but we'll need a file that is stored locally to put there. This requires changing the Local Folder to where something you want to upload is located.

On a windows system, you should have a folder on my desktop called cs100 where you put things for class. For HW5, make a subfolder called hw5. My user name on my windows system is kauffman but chances are yours is different. The absolute path to my hw5 folder is C:\Users\kauffman\Desktop\cs100\hw5. Note that my user name kauffman appears in the path and your path may be slightly different. Make changes if local your user name is different. Look in the windows explorer location bar to make sure of the location of your files. To get the SFTP Local Folder to be that folder, use the lcd (local change directory) command as in

lcd C:\Users\kauffman\Desktop\cs100\hw5

On mac systems, you should have a similar folder setup (cs100 folder on Desktop, hw5 folder in cs100). The absolute path to my hw5 folder is /Users/kauffman/Desktop/cs100/hw5 which again contains my user name so make adjustments as needed. To get the SFTP set to that folder use lcd as follows.

lcd /Users/kauffman/Desktop/cs100/hw5

In your hw5 folder should be the hw5.html file you created in Problem 1. To put it on the server use the SFTP command put followed by the file name as in

put hw5.html

which should copy hw5.html from the Local Folder to Remote Folder on the server. You'll likely see a message confirming that the transfer is happening like

local:hw5.html => remote:/home/u2/ckauffm2/public_html/hw5.html

or a progress meter like

hw5.html                              100%   16KB  15.5KB/s   00:00    

indicating the progress of the transfer.

You can check that the file has successfully uploaded by listing the directory contents of the Remote Folder with the dir command.

sftp> dir

This shows that hw5.html is on the remote server.

Since you are using a picture of yourself, make sure to put your picture on the server as as well. My picture is called chris.jpg so I would do

put chris.jpg

and check that is there with dir again

sftp> dir

Finally, the permissions on the files you upload must be set so that they can be read by everyone. You can see the permissions of files on the server using the command ls with an option to do a long listing, that is the command ls -l which should give results like the following.

sftp> ls -l
-rwx------    1 ckauffm2 161801        790 Oct 21 14:35 how-the-internet-works.html
-rwx------    1 ckauffm2 161801        315 Oct 21 14:35 how-the-internet-works.txt
-rwx------    1 ckauffm2 161801      15902 Oct 20 14:39 hw5.html
-rwx------    1 ckauffm2 161801      14015 Oct 21 14:35 penguin-car.jpg

The files are listed on the far right and permissions are on the far left. Permissions can be a little tricky to read but they boil down to varios folks having Read (r) Write (w) and Execute (x) permissions. With the set of permissions above, only I (the file owner) have permission to do anything with the files so if anyone tries to visit the web page how-the-internet-works.html at the address they'll get a 403 Forbidden message as in


This is a very common error and is fixed by changing the permissions of all the files using chmod 744 * as in

sftp> chmod 744 *
Changing mode on /home/u2/ckauffm2/public_html/how-the-internet-works.html
Changing mode on /home/u2/ckauffm2/public_html/how-the-internet-works.txt
Changing mode on /home/u2/ckauffm2/public_html/hw5.html
Changing mode on /home/u2/ckauffm2/public_html/penguin-car.jpg

SFTP responds that it is changing permissions on all the files because we requested * (all files) be affected.

Checking the permssions again with ls -l gives more r (Read) permissions for each file

sftp> ls -l
-rwxr--r--    1 ckauffm2 161801        790 Oct 21 14:35 how-the-internet-works.html
-rwxr--r--    1 ckauffm2 161801        315 Oct 21 14:35 how-the-internet-works.txt
-rwxr--r--    1 ckauffm2 161801      15902 Oct 20 14:39 hw5.html
-rwxr--r--    1 ckauffm2 161801      14015 Oct 21 14:35 penguin-car.jpg

and visiting we see it is now accessible


14 Problem 5: Transfer your Personal Web Page to the mason server

In order for the world to consume your new personal web page, follow the instructions in Mac SFPT or Windows PSFT and the instructions in SFTP commands to upload your personal web page and your pictures. Make sure to set the permissions right and to name your page hw5.html. Your personal web page should then be available to everyone on the web using an address similar to

When grading, we will check to see that the page exists at an address similar to the above.

What to put in your HW Write-up

  • Include a clickable web link to your personal web page.

Author: Chris Kauffman (
Date: 2015-10-23 Fri 15:07