Human Computer Interaction

Activities concern Human - Computer Intelligent Interaction (HCII) and Human-Centered Systems (HCS). In every use of computers to solve human problems, a central and crucial factor is the flow of information and control between human and machine.  Present Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) technology constitutes a significant bottleneck for realizing the potential of computer technology.  Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction (HCII) goes beyond HCI as it involves organizing intelligent agents in a suitable framework, structuring the communication links between agents to suit task requirements, and presenting the information to the receiving agents in such a way as to utilize the particular agent's perceptual skills and to facilitate processing of the information. HCII leads also to a human-centered approach for the design of intelligent systems as it helps with creating a richer, more versatile, and effective virtual environment that supports human activity. Thus, the emphasis is not on just building autonomous systems that mimic humans but rather supporting human activity using intelligent system tools subject to the constraints, goals, and principles of human-centered (design and) systems (HCS).

 Relevant Courses : CS 777
 Faculty :   Jim Chen.   Zoran Duric,   Jana Kosecka,   Harry Wechsler