ALAg Digest Subscription/Unsubscription Instructions


To post a message to ALAg Digest send an e-mail to our distribution address:


To subscribe to ALAg Digest send an email to our administrative address< with a blank subject line and the following single line in the body of the message:

          subscribe ALAg-Digest-L [your-name]

Where [your-name] is your full name, i.e.: "John Smith"


To unsubscribe to ALAg Digest send an email to our administrative address with a blank subject line and the following single line in the body of the message:

          unsubscribe ALAg-Digest-L

Obtaining Help

To obtain help about the commands available in the list server send an email to listserv server address with a blank subject line and the following single line in the body of the message:


Or, to pose a specific question of the list moderators, send email to with your question clearly stated.