// Introduction to Software Testing // Authors: Paul Ammann & Jeff Offutt // Chapter 7; page ?? // Can be run from command line // See FmtRewrap.num for a numbered version. // No JUnit tests at this time. /** ***************************************************** * Rewraps the string (Similar to the Unix fmt). * Given a string S, eliminate existing CRs and add CRs to the * closest spaces before column N. Two CRs in a row are considered to * be "hard CRs" and are left alone. ********************************************************* */ import java.io.*; public class FmtRewrap { static final char CR = '\n'; static final int inWord = 0; static final int betweenWord = 1; static final int lineBreak = 2; static final int crFound = 3; static private String fmtRewrap (String S, int N) { int state = betweenWord; int lastSpace = -1; int col = 1; int i = 0; char c; char SArr [] = S.toCharArray(); while (i < S.length()) { c = SArr[i]; col++; if (col >= N) state = lineBreak; else if (c == CR) state = crFound; else if (c == ' ') state = betweenWord; else state = inWord; switch (state) { case betweenWord: lastSpace = i; break; case lineBreak: SArr [lastSpace] = CR; col = i-lastSpace; break; case crFound: if (i+1 < S.length() && SArr[i+1] == CR) { i++; // Two CRs => hard return col = 1; } else SArr[i] = ' '; break; case inWord: default: break; } // end switch i++; } // end while S = new String (SArr) + CR; return (S); } public static void main (String []argv) { // Driver method for fmtRewrap // Read an array and an integer from standard input, call fmtRewrap() int integer = 0; int []inArr = new int [argv.length]; if (argv.length != 1) { System.out.println ("Usage: java FmtRewrap v1 "); return; } System.out.println ("Enter an integer: "); integer = getN(); System.out.println ("The Result String is: " + fmtRewrap (argv[0], integer)); } // ==================================== // Read (or choose) an integer private static int getN () { int inputInt = 1; BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in)); String inStr; try { inStr = in.readLine (); inputInt = Integer.parseInt(inStr); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println ("Could not read input, choosing 1."); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println ("Entry must be a number, choosing 1."); } return (inputInt); } // end getN }