SWE 619 In Class Exercise Number 7C

public class Stack <E> {

   public Stack() 

   public void push (E e)

   public E pop () 

   public boolean isEmpty() 

   public void pushAll(Iterable<E> src) 

   public void popAll(Collection<E> dst) 

  public static void main(String[] args) {
     // Exercise for pushAll, popAll
     Stack <Number> s1 = new Stack<Number>
     Integer i = 1;   s1.push(i);
     i = 2; s1.push(i);

     Collection<Integer> integers = new HashSet<Integer> ();
     s1.pushAll(integers);   // doesn't compile

     Collection<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object> ();
     s1.popAll(result);      // doesn't compile

     for (Object n : result) 
Explain the client code, why it's desirable, and why the pushAll() and popAll() methods, as written, are a problem.
Fix the problematic methods.
Explain why popAll() has a void return type (unlike its companion method pop())