SWE 432: Design and Implementation of Software for the Web
Assignment — Fall 2014
This course is part of the ACS Software Engineering
and the minor in Software Engineering programs.
Syllabus Schedule

SWE 432 Assignment 1
Student Setup
Due 09/02

This is an individual assignment. As a reminder, all assignments must be submitted before class on the day they are due.

  1. Login to Piazza and post a short introduction as a note in the folder "checkin". The subject should be "Introduction - your name"
  2. Set up your personal webpage through the Mason cluster (this webpage is where you will submit all your assignments) following the Mason website setup instructions. These instructions are borrowed from Dr. Offutt, so the links on that page will not take you back to this semester's course. Extra credit: Is using the links that will not take you back to this semester's course good or bad usability? Justify your answer. If it is bad, what should have been done to improve the usability? (Note: only reasonable justification is qualified for the extra credits.)
    If you run into problems, you might find http://webdev.gmu.edu/setting-up-a-personal-site/ useful. If you are still stuck, DO NOT email the instructor; please post all of your questions to Piazza.
  3. After setting up your webpage, complete a short survey (on Blackboard). Enter your information along with the URL (your webpage) and the username/password combination.

Grading Rubric

The grading for this assignment will be as follows:
[Total: 5 points + 2 extra points]

© Based on documents by Dr. Jeff Offutt (the original author) and Dr. Kinga Dobolyi, use with permission of the author. This document is made available for use by GMU students of SWE 432. Copying, distribution or other use of this document without express permission of the author is forbidden. You may create links to pages in this web site, but may not copy all or part of the text without permission of the original author.