This page may have been forwarded to by counterScope1.jsp.

JSP Scope Demonstration

Page Counter Values

The counter value is: 1
The counter value is: 2
The counter value is: 3
The counter value is: 4
The counter value is: 5
The counter value is: 6
The counter value is: 7
The counter value is: 8
The counter value is: 9
The counter value is: 10

Request Counter Values

The counter value is: 11
The counter value is: 12
The counter value is: 13
The counter value is: 14
The counter value is: 15
The counter value is: 16
The counter value is: 17
The counter value is: 18
The counter value is: 19
The counter value is: 20

Below added by Robert Pond. The session and application counter values are incremented in the first JSP, then we are forwarded here, then incremented here again.

Session Counter Values           Invalid ate Session

The counter value is: 11
The counter value is: 12
The counter value is: 13
The counter value is: 14
The counter value is: 15
The counter value is: 16
The counter value is: 17
The counter value is: 18
The counter value is: 19
The counter value is: 20

Try the application counter with another browser.

Application Counter Values

The counter value is: 11
The counter value is: 12
The counter value is: 13
The counter value is: 14
The counter value is: 15
The counter value is: 16
The counter value is: 17
The counter value is: 18
The counter value is: 19
The counter value is: 20