CS 222
Computer Programming for Engineers
Fall 2007

Dr. David Nordstrom
email: dnordstr@gmu.edu
office: 361 Science & Tech II
office hours: Monday and Wednesday 2:00 - 2:50 pm, Thursday 6:10 - 7:10 pm, and by appointment.
phone: (703) 993-1565
The course website is http://cs.gmu.edu/~dnord/cs222


The text is Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, 1988.

The Course

This is a new course, so the exact contents will evolve through the semester. The prerequisite is C or better in CS 112. I will assume that you have a basic understanding of the elements of programming in some language derived from C (for example Java or C++). The course will be taught using C with possible excursions into Java or C++ later in the semester. This is a terminal course in programming for engineers and we will look at some aspects of C and C-derived languages and programming issues with which engineers should be familiar.

Topics include the C language, elementary data structures, numerical programming, and concepts of object-oriented design and programming.


There will be several programming assignments. Programming assignments will be posted on the course website

You may discuss the programming projects with other students (this is encouraged) but you must do and submit your own work. No joint work will be accepted. Read the CS Department honor code: http://cs.gmu.edu/wiki/pmwiki.php/HonorCode/CSHonorCodePolicies, and the University honor code: http://www.gmu.edu/catalog/acad pol.html. You are bound by these honor codes. Any submitted work which shows too much commonality with others' work to be completely original, or any plagiarized work, will receive a grade of 0. Any code which is presented in class or provided to you as part of the project may be included in your programs.

You will submit programs electronically and you will also hand in a hard copy of your source code. External documentation will be handed in with the hard copy of your program. You can only turn in a program once. No revisions or additions can be made to your program after it has been submitted. Late programs will be accepted with a 10 points per day late penalty. You are responsible for keeping backups of your work ("my disk crashed" and "my roommate deleted my program" are not reasons for late submissions).


There will be a midterm exam and a final. There will be no makeups on exams except under exceptional circumstances (as judged by me), and any such makeup must be arranged in advanced. Grades will computed from a weighted average computed with the following weights: