Phone: (703) 993-1720
jimxchen (a) gmail (dot) com
Actions AssignmentsSyllabus
Description | Grading | TA
| Groups | Texts | References
CS 451 is a 3-credit course with prerequisite MATH 203, CS 310, and CS 365. It gives a general introduction to basic graphics principles, graphics software design, and OpenGL programming. The programming platform is in Java or C. The course will be taught in Java.
I am assuming you know the prerequisite material, Java (or C) programming, vector analysis, and matrix calculations. After this class, you will be able to do 2D/3D object transformation, rendering, and animation. Emphasis will be on the programming and implementation.
There are all together 100 points:
- Homework assignments (10 points)
- Random in class quizzes (10 points)
- One midterm exam (20 points)
- One project (30 points)
- One final exam (30 points)
Your overall course score, S, will be the sum of these points.
- A: S is at least 90 points
- B: S is at least 80 points
- C: S is at least 65 points
- D: S is at least 45 points
- F: S is less than 45 points
Each assignment may not be accepted if it is not turned in on time. Therefore, you should plan on working early. If you cannot finish your assignment, you should turn in your partial work. You should come to meet me or my TA during the office hours.
If there is an accident or emergency and you let me know, I will consider it accordingly.
You may form into study groups, most of size 3. You can meet with your study group and discuss all homework questions freely and frequently in your group. However, you must do your own assignments. In short, collaborate freely, acknowledge all help and sources, and do your own work.
Will be announced in class and mostly due before next class. Please submit your source code to my TA through email.
Will mostly follow the notes posted accompanying the text book with minor additions/modifications.
2007 by Prof. Jim X. Chen, Department of Computer
Science, George mason University