CS 483 Fall 2007
Data Structure and Analysis of Algorithms
- Lecture Time: Tuesday and Thursday
Location: Robinson Hall
Fei Li, Office 443
email: lifei@cs.gmu.edu
hours: Tuesday and Thursday 4:30-5:30pm -
Teaching Assistant: Yanyan Lu, Room 365
ST II, email:
ylu4@gmu.edu -
Office hours: Wednesday and Friday 4:00-5:00pm
- Course overview:
- In this course, we
will analyze computational resources for important problem
types by alternative algorithms and their associated data
structure; using mathematically rigorious techniques. We will
analyze specific algorithms and their improvements. The course
present the fundamentals about basic and useful algorithms. We
will discuss how to design algorithms, how to prove their
correctness, how to measure their performance (in terms of
time and space), and how to improve their performance if
CS 310 and CS 330 Calculus (MATH 113, 114, 213) and MATH 125. Please
contact with the instructor if you are not sure.
Required Textbook:
to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms by Anany
Levitin , Addison Wesley; 2nd edition (2007)
In this course, we will consider the algorithm design and alaysis techniques
of various problems coming from the following areas:
- Introduction fundamentals, problem types
- Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency asymptotic notation, recursive and non-recursive algorithms
- Brute Force sorting, searching, convex hull
- Divide (decrease) and Conquer merge sort, quicksort, binary search, convex hull,
insertion sort, BFS and DFS, topological sorting
- Transform and Conquer balanced search trees, heapsort, problem reduction
- Greedy Techniques minimum spanning tree, shortest path, Huffman tree
- Dynamic Programming All-pairs shortest path, knapsack problem
- Iterative Improvement simplex method, matching
- Limitations of Algorithm Power and Coping with Limitations
decision trees, P, NP, backtracking, branch-and-bound, approximation
Tentative Grading:
- Biweekly assignments (40%)
- Midterm Exam (25%)
- Final Exam (35%)
Assignments will normally be given out on Thursdays every two weeks.
You are given two weeks to finish them unless for special notice. Hand in
hard copies in class.
One late submission (up to one week past the due date) per
person per semester is permitted. Send an email to the TA when you plan to
use it.
Please note that all coursework is to be done independently.
Plagiarizing the homework will be penalized by maximum negative
credit and cheating on the exam will earn you an F in the course.
See the GMU Honor Code System and Policies at
You are encouraged to discuss
the material BEFORE you do the assignment. As a part of the
interaction you can discuss a meaning of the question or possible
ways of approaching the solution. The homework should be written
strictly by yourself. In case your solution is based on the
important idea of someone else please acknowledge that in your
solution, to avoid any accusations.
You are allowed to take two pages of notes to the midterm and final exams,
which will be handed in with the exam.