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Instructor: Office: Science & Technology II, Room 453 Phone: 703-993-4693 Email: jessica [AT] cs [DOT] gmu [DOT] edu Office Hours: Monday 3-5pm TA Huaming LiuEmail: hliu5 [AT] gmu [DOT] edu Office: TBA Office Hours: TBA Classes
Tuesdays Prerequisites: INFS 501, 515, 590 or equivalent. Prerequisites are strictly enforced. Students from one of the following graduate programs: INFS, SWE, ISA Please consult your acceptance letter. In order to enroll in INFS 614, you must satisfy ALL your foundation course requirements. For each foundation course, you must either (1) be waived from the course, or (2) have taken the course and received a grade B or better. Students from other programs: Please consult the description of the prerequisite courses in the university catalog. During the first class meeting, you will be asked to sign a form and provide a list of courses you have taken in the past that fulfill the prerequisites. Information you will need to bring to the first class meeting regarding the prerequisites include: course numbers, course titles, institution(s) where courses were taken, year(s), and final grades. All information will be verified. Grading Assignments: 20% Quizzes will be given in the beginning of the class. They may or may not be announced in advance. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped at the end of the semester. There will be a midterm exam and a final exam covering lectures and readings (both will be in class, closed book). The final exam (comprehensive) includes topics covered in the entire semester. Exams must be taken at the scheduled time and place. Missed exams cannot be made up. Honor Code Statement Please be familiar with the GMU Honor Code. Any deviation from this is considered an Honor Code violation. All assignments for this class are individual unless otherwise specified. Topics
(Revised) Textbook