Tuesday, 7:20-10:00 PM, in ENGR 5358.Office hours will be held every Thursday from 9-10am and 3-4pm in ENGR 5324 or by appointment.
This course is a requirement of the ACS Game Design degree and can be used as a Senior CS Elective for the BS CS degree.
The course will provide an introduction to technologies and techniques used in modern computer games, animations, and special effects. Students will gain knowledge and experience needed to build games, simulations, and animations. Therefore, the key elements of the course will be knowledge, experience, and fun!
Topics will include:
a) Become familiar with advanced techniques used in object-oriented programming
b) Realize the manner with which the graphics pipeline may be utilized to create animations, games, and simulations
c) Utilize mathematical abilities to create optimum algorithms
d) Exhibit skills that demonstrate understanding of physics simulations
e) Realize the appropriate techniques for maximizing code reuse
f) Experience employing a variety of data structures and algorithms