Mondays from 4:30-7:10pm in Robinson Hall B208.
Office hours will be held every Thursday from 9-10am and 3-4pm in ENGR 5324 or by appointment.
The course will provide an introduction to technologies and techniques used in modern computer games and animations, including (tentatively):
None required
Grades will be based on 4 programming homework assignments (15% each), 2 class presentations (15% each), and general class participation (10%).
Frameworks will be provided for each of these programming assignments. They are written in C++ and use the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE.
Each member of the class will also give 2 30 minutes presentations about a recently published animation or game paper. Papers can be chosen from the proceedings of SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH-Asia, SCA, Eurographics, or other well regarded technical conferences. The instructor must approve the paper choice.