Time/Location: Thursday 7:20-10:00pm,
Robison Hall B113
Instructor: Jana Kosecka
Office hours: 2-3pm Wednesday
Contact: Office 4444 Engineering Build., e-mail:
kosecka@gmu.edu, 3-1876
Course web page:http://www.cs.gmu.edu/~kosecka/cs685/
The course covers basic principles of design and practice of intelligent robotics systems. We will cover algorithms for the analysis of the data obtained by vision and range sensors, basic principles of modelling kinematics and dynamics and design of basic control strategies. Notion of robot's configuration space and geometric and topological representations of the environment will be introduced and followed by overview of basic motion planning techniques. Issues of uncertainty modelling, state estimation, probabilistic inference will be introduced and examined in the context of localization and map making problems. We will study and formulate interesting robotics tasks and show how they can be accomplished by individual robot or cooperative robot teams (such as flocking, foraging as well as robotic soccer).
The topics and techniques covered are relevant for students interested in robotics, computer vision, artificial intelligence as well as modeling and programming of complex distributed embedded systems which interact with dynamically changing environments.
The course will comprise of lectures by the instructor, homeworks and presentations of the selected research publications by students. The grade will be based on homeworks and final presentation of the project. The projects will involve implementation of a systems in a mobile robot simulator and/or the actual mobile robot.
Required Textbook:
Additional Resources:
Other recommended books: