George Mason University
  Department of Computer Science

INFS 614 - Database Management

Dr. Jessica Lin

Fall 2013


Course Description

Introduces database systems, emphasizing study of database models and languages and practice of database design and programming. Topics include Entity-Relationship model, relational model and its formal query languages, SQL, theory of relational database design, and object-oriented and logic-based databases.


Dr. Jessica Lin 

Office: Engineering Building 4419
Phone: 703-993-4693
Email: jessica [AT] cs [DOT] gmu [DOT] edu
Office Hours:  Tuesday/Thursday 3-4pm


Art and Design Building 2026


INFS 501, 515, 519, and SWE 510, or equivalent. Prerequisites are strictly enforced.


Quiz: 12%
Class Participation: 3%
Project: 25%
Midterm: 25%

Final: 35%


There will be 5 assignments. However, the assignments will not be graded.


There will be 4 quizzes, a midterm exam and a final exam covering lectures and readings (in class, closed book). The final exam is comprehensive, and includes topics covered in the entire semester. With the exception of the quizzes, which must be taken at the time they are given, prior arrangement needs to be made with the instructor if you cannot make it to the exam. Missed exams cannot be made up.

Honor Code Statement

Please be familiar with the GMU Honor Code. In addition, the CS department has its own Honor Code policies. Any deviation from this is considered an Honor Code violation. 

Disability Accommodations

If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please see me and contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at 993-2474, All academic accommodations must be arranged through the ODS.


 Required: "Database Management Systems" 3rd Edition, by Ramakrishnan and Gehrke

Recommended: Oracle 10g Programming: A Primer by Sunderraman, Addison-Wesley, 2008

Tentative Topics
Ch.1: Overview of Database Systems
Ch.2: Introduction to Database Design
Ch.3: The Relational Model
Ch.4: Relational Algebra
Ch.5: SQL
Ch.6: Database Application Development
Ch.10: Tree-Structured Indexing
Ch.19: Schema Refinement and Normal Forms

Note: If time permits, more chapters will be added.

Class Website