CS 211: Object Oriented Programming
George Mason University Department of Computer Science
Fall 2018 - 004 - 10:30-11:45am Tue/Thu - L004 Exploratory Hall
Fall 2018 - 006 - 3:00-4:15pm Mon/Wed - 178 Enterprise Hall
Instructor: Ivan Avramovic
Email: iavramo2-at-gmu.edu
Hours: 12:00-1:00pm Tue/Thu, 4609 Engineering Building

Assistants: see Piazza
Prerequisites: CS112 (C or better) and access to a Java-capable computer
CS 211 Lab Manual, available for free download
zyBooks Java, available online (access details to be provided)
(Optional) Reges and Stepp, Building Java Programs, 3rd ed.

Webpage: https://mason.gmu.edu/~iavramo2/classes/cs211f18.html
Piazza: Piazza will be used for all official announcements and online discussion; any information discussed on Piazza will be assumed to be known to students.
Blackboard: Blackboard will be used to provide and submit assignments, as well as to view grades.


  1. An understanding of basic object-oriented (OO) programming concepts and principles.
  2. An ability to apply basic object-oriented principles and techniques in the development of software systems using a specific programming language.
  3. An ability to effectively develop software systems using both basic command line tools and sophisticated integrated development environments, and to understand the advantages and limitations of each.
  4. An ability to successfully perform debugging operations and techniques.
  5. An ability to perform software development in both individual and team environments.
  6. An understanding of programming-related references/resources available to software developers and the ability to use them effectively - both in ongoing projects and in the acquisition of new technical skills.
  7. An understanding of how acquired programming skills facilitate success in upper level CS courses and in various professional environments.
Coursework Description

Grade Distribution

MaterialWeightDrop policy
Attendance2%three days
zyBooks3%lowest three
Labs (weekly)10%lowest two
Programming projects (5-7)40%none
Midterm exams (2)20%-
Final exam25%-

Grading Policies

Emergency Tokens

Grading Scale

Grade A+AA- B+BB- C+CC- DF
max 9791 898781 797771 6959
min 989290 888280 787270 60

General Policies


Honor Code

Unless specific instructions are given to the contrary, programming assignments are an individual effort, no group work is allowed. In addition to code, this includes the sharing of test cases, pseudocode, or approaches, receiving assistance in debugging code, as well as the use of external Internet sites. Both the GMU Honor Code and the CS Department Honor Code apply in this class. Any use of a direct contribution on any program, homework, quiz, or exam will be reported as a violation of the honor code.

Special Accommodations

Students who have a right to accommodations due to disabilities or other conditions should discuss this with the instructor as soon as possible. Accommodations will follow the recommendations of the University's Office of Disability Services.