Fall 2018: Pattern Recognition [CS688]
Carlotta Domeniconi, Rm 4424 ENG, carlotta\AT\cs.gmu.edu, Office hours: TBA
CS 580 or CS 584 or permission of instructor.
Programming experience is expected.
Students must be familiar with
basic probability and statistics concepts, linear algebra, optimization, and multivariate
Location and Time:
We meet in the Nguyen Engineering Building 1109, T 4:30pm - 7:10pm
General Description and Preliminary List of Topics:
Pattern recognition is concerned with the automatic finding of regularities in data and with the use of these regularities to take actions, such as classifying images or documents into different categories.
The course covers key algorithms and theory at the core of pattern recognition.
Particular emphasis will be given to the statistical learning aspects of the field.
Topics include:
decision theory, Bayesian theory, curse of dimensionality, linear and non-linear
dimensionality reduction techniques,
classification, clustering,
kernel methods, mixture models and EM, deep learning.
Course Format:
Lectures by the instructor. Besides material from the textbook, topics not discussed in the book may also be
Research papers and handouts of material not covered in the book will
be made available.
Grading will be based on quizzes,
an exam, and a project. Homework assignments will be given and require
some programming. Exams and homework assignments must be done on an individual basis. Any deviation from this policy will be considered a violation of the
GMU Honor Code.
Grading Policy:
Quizzes: 25%
Participation: 5%
Midterm: 35%
Project: 35% (Proposal 10%; Presentation 10%; Paper 15%)