This graduate course covers two hugely popular types of systems: Web search engines and recommender systems. Web search engines attempt to locate information items (e.g., documents, Web pages) based on user specifications. These systems have developed from traditional systems for bibliogrphic information retrieval dating back 50 years, and, with the exception of Web browsers, arguably are the most widely-used tool for accessing information on the Web. Recommeder systems discover information items (e.g., people, products) that are likely to be of interest to users. This coure will explore both types of systems, underlining their shared principles. Roughly, two thirds of the course will be devoted to search engines and one third to recommender systems.
Wednesday, 4:30-7:10 pm
AB L008
Dr. Ami Motro
Office: ENG-4415
Telephone: 703-993-1665
Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 3:00-4:00 pm
The four foundation courses of the INFS, SWE and ISA Master's programs:
Two exams (a mid-term and a final) and 5 homework assignments.
The final grade would be based on exams (40% + 40%) and homework assignments (20%).