George Mason University


CS 484 Data Mining – Fall 2022

Instructor: Dr. Daniel Barbará


Description: This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts in Data Mining

Prerequisites: grade of C or better in CS 310 and STAT 344, or permission of instructor Students not satisfying the prerequisites will be dropped from the class.

Meeting Times and Locations:



Office Hours: : By appointment(virtual)


Course Web Page:

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, you will





No early exams will be given and make-up exams are strongly discouraged.

Assignments will be collected on the date indicated in BlackBoard. Late homework will be accepted with a penalty of 20% per day within 3 days after deadlines and will not be accepted three days after due, unless under prearranged conditions.
GMU Honor Code will be enforced. The students are supposed to work individually on the assignments/projects, unless told otherwise. We reserve the right to use MOSS to detect plagiarism. Violations of GMU Honor Code or a total score of 49 (or less) will result in an F.

No smartphones, laptops, or recorders allowed in class. Lectures cannot be recorded without special permission from the instructor

Computer Accounts: All students should have accounts on the central Mason Unix system (also known as and  on IT&E Unix cluster (Instructions and related links are here). Students can  work in  IT&E computer labs  for programming projects during the specified hours.

Students with Disabilities: If you have a documented learning disability or other condition that may affect academic performance you should: 1) make sure this documentation is on file with the Office of Disability Services to determine the accommodations you need

Safe return to campus