George Mason University 


CS600 - Theory of Computation - Fall 2024

4:30-7:10, Thursday, Blueridge 129

Prerequisites | Description | Readings | Syllabus | Grading | Late | TA | Dates

Professor Dana Richards 


(Please prefix the subject of your email with CS600.) 

Course office hours: Tuesday 3:00-5:00 or by appt.

Engineering Building - Room 5320 


CS583 (and so CS310, CS330, and MATH 125); that is data structures, algorithms, undergraduate theory, and discrete math.


(From catalog)  Introduction to logic and proof techniques, formal languages, automata theory, and computational complexity. Specific topics include regular and context-free languages, Turing machines, NP-completeness, and undecidability.


  1. Intro to the Theory of Computation--third edition, by Sipser.


The pace will vary and some chapters will be abridged.

Chapter 0 -- Sipser

Chapter 1 -- Sipser

Chapter 2 -- Sipser

Chapter 3 -- Sipser

Chapter 4 -- Sipser

Chapter 5 -- Sipser

Chapter 6 -- Sipser

Chapter 7 -- Sipser

Exam #1 will be October 10 and Exam #2 will be December 12 (at 4:30). 


Exams -- 100%

Each of the two exams cover about a half of the semester; the final is not cumulative. 

Of these exams the highest score will count 60%, and the lowest 40%. 

Homework is ungraded.

All testing is closed book, but limited notes are permitted, as follows for exams (but not for quizzes). One sheet of notes (8.5 by 11 inches, 1 side only). NO COPYING is allowed. That means no photocopying of anything, even the textbook, though you may write out material from it verbatim. It also means no copying of anyone else's notes, even by hand. You may use a computer for editing your own notes. The sheet must be turned in with your exam. Violations of these rules for creating the notes is considered a violation of the Honor Code. 

TA: Lihan Li;, hours TBA

No laptops, etc. (If you need a laptop for note-taking then see me.)