CS 110, Essentials of Computer Science, 3 units
Department of Computer Science
Course Description: Fall 2024

Sec. -001  M/W 9-10:15 a.m.  Enterprise 80  Maddox (Class Dates: 8/26-12/9; Exam: MON 12/16, 7:30-10:15 a.m.)

Instructor:   Tamara Maddox   Email: tmaddox@gmu.edu; Campus Phone: (703) 993-1525;  Campus Office: ENGR 5347

Office Hours:  Mon 3:30-4:30, Wed 4:30-5:30 PM, immediately after class, or by appointment     

Piazza Link: https://piazza.com/class/lqy51jvsx514s/
Blackboard Link: http://mymasonportal.gmu.edu

GTA's:  Fahim Nafis, Thomas De Mastri

UTA's: Tugce Gundogdu, Ismayil Imanguliyev, Sara Johnson, Jason Yi,

Contact emails for the Teaching Assistants can be found on the Blackboard CS 110 Course page. 

Textbook and Readings:

Computing Resources:  Technology requirements necessary to successfully complete this class include a computer where you have the ability and permissions to install software. You will also need Internet access sufficient to regularly check Blackboard and view class materials.  Computer use will NOT generally be required during class sessions (and in many instances may not be permitted).

Course Description: This course provides a baseline knowledge of technical and social issues at the heart of computer science. No prior knowledge of computing or programming is required. Students will develop a basic understanding of simple algorithms, information representation, and styles of problem solving which significantly affect computer science. They will gain practical experience working with a Unix-like operating system. Data security will be discussed to ensure safe communication. Students will gain exposure to basic software development tools such as version control and text editors. A variety of social and ethical issues will be discussed throughout the course including the impact of computing on society.

This course is required for all computer science students and serves as an opportunity for students to be introduced to GMU Computer Science Department policies. Freshmen and transfer students are expected to take the course in their first year in order to ensure that all CS students have exposure to certain essential tools and topics early on to enable their use in subsequent classes.

Prerequisite: None. (However, enrollment in the course is limited to students in the BS in Computer Science or BS in Applied Computer Science programs.)

Learning Outcomes:

*Note: The assignment to meet with a CS academic advisor regarding future course planning must be completed satisfactorily in order to receive a passing grade in this class.

Late Assignments: Assignments turned in after the due date will be penalized 10 percent per day (incl. weekend days/holidays). Since late work can cause major penalties, start work early! If your assignment isn't the way you'd like it to be when the deadline is near, submit it anyway for partial credit. In fact, submit early and often! The Blackboard system permits you to retrieve and resubmit your assignment until the due date, so you may resubmit if you improve your assignment prior to the deadline.   Note: Prior approval by your TA is required in order to resubmit an assignment after the deadline, since s/he may have already graded your assignment. If you know that you wish to resubmit a new version after the deadline, it is your responsibility to notify your TA no later than the time of the deadline, so s/he will not grade the on-time submission. No resubmissions may be made after an assignment has been graded.

Class Communications:  CS 110 will use Blackboard (including email sent via Blackboard) for most class communications. Piazza may also be used to clarify assignment requirements or other questions. You are encouraged to check piazza regularly, and you are responsible for any notifications or information posted on Blackboard either by your instructor, your GTA or the class UTA(s), and you will need to check the system regularly for such notices. Some information may be disseminated through class instead of BB, so you should always take note of in-class announcements.  If you have individual questions or grading concerns, you should address those directly with your professor, either in person or via your gmu email account, NOT through piazza posts. When you email, please be sure to include your name, the class and section numbers, and the relevant topic in the subject header. (E.g.: Subject: My Name / CS 110-001 / Homework 2)

Special Accommodations:  If you are a student with a disability, please see your instructor and contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at (703) 993-2474. All academic accommodations must be arranged in advance through the ODS: http://ods.gmu.edu

Absences and Participation Credit:  You are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions. In the event of an emergency or health concern, please contact your professor as soon as possible. We will do our best to consider any special circumstances, but only if they are communicated in a timely manner, preferably in advance. Note that documentation may be required to support your absence.

Honor Code Policies:  All students are expected to abide by the course policies set forth here: https://stearnscenter.gmu.edu/home/gmu-common-course-policies/.  Unless otherwise specified, all class-related assignments are to be individual efforts. Certain portions of group assignments may require individual efforts as well.  Be careful to follow instructions regarding acceptable group efforts.  Plagiarism is governed by the GMU Honor Code and will not be tolerated.  Cheating on any assignment will be prosecuted and result in a notification of the Honor Committee as outlined in the GMU Honor Code. Sharing, collaboration, or looking at others' assignments is considered cheating. Review the university honor code.  If you ever have a question about the Honor Code or instructor policies, ASK! We welcome the opportunity to help you understand our policies.

Note that the Computer Science Department also has its own mandatory CS Honor Code that provides more specific instructions regarding CS classes. Make sure you read and familiarize yourself with these rules.