CS 330: Formal Methods and Models (Fall 2024)
George Mason University
Section 003: Meets face-to-face 9:00-10:15am Tue/Thu - Horizon Hall 2014 (HORIZN 2014)
Section 004: Meets face-to-face 12:00-1:15pm Tue/Thu - Horizon Hall 2014 (HORIZN 2014)

Professor: Ahmed Bin Zaman
Email: azaman6@gmu.edu
Office Hours: Thursdays 2:00-4:00pm
Phone: (703) 993-6642
Office: Engineering Building 4455 (ENGR 4455)

Prerequisites: CS211 and MATH125 (C or better in both)
Textbook: Hamburger and Richards, Logic and Language Models for Computer Science, Fourth Edition

Other requirements:

Course resources:
Piazza for announcements, questions, and discussions. Please note that while Piazza requests donations, it is due to Piazza's business model independent from any input from the university; students should not feel obligated to provide donations.
Blackboard to view grades and course materials.
GradeScope for quizzes and homework assignments turn-in and grades.

Schedule: see below for schedule; subject to change.


This course is an introduction to two kinds of formal systems - languages and logics - with important applications to computer science. The study of formal languages underlies important aspects of compilers and other language processing systems, as well as the theory of computation. Various systems of logic and automatic reasoning are put to use in artificial intelligence, database theory and software engineering. The entire course will give you practice in precise thinking and proof methods that play a role in the analysis of algorithms. The programming assignments provide practical experience with some theoretical topics.


  1. Students will understand the concepts and relevance of logic, formal languages and automata theory, and computability.
  2. Students will be able to do mechanical formal proofs, program correctness proofs and solve problems in first-order logic.
  3. Students will be able to solve problems in elementary machine models: designing finite-state, pushdown and turing machines.
  4. Students will be able to solve problems in formal languages: writing regular expressions, regular grammars, and context-free grammars.


Grading Scale

>= 98.0%>= 92.0%>= 90.0% >= 88.0%>= 82.0%>= 80.0% >= 78.0%>= 72.0%>= 70.0% >= 60.0%< 60.0%

Advising Requirement

It is a departmental requirement that all undergraduate Computer Science students taking CS330 must speak with their faculty advisor during the semester and submit an advising form (found here) documenting their visit.

Honor Code/Academic Standards

All graded work in this class is individual. Any direct contribution on an exam, quiz, or assignment will be treated as a violation of George Mason's Honor Code, Academic Standards Code, and the CS Department Honor Code. Confirmed violations are generally Level 2 violations which result in failing the class.

The use of AI tools (including but not limited to ChatGPT) to aid in the completion of graded assignments/quizzes/exams, and the use of solutions which are derived directly or indirectly from AI prompts, is considered unauthorized assistance and is prohibited under the honor code.

Some kinds of participation in third-party online study sites violate the GMU Honor code: these include accessing questions for this class which have been uploaded by others; accessing exam or assignment answers for this class; uploading of any of the instructor's materials or exams; and uploading any of your own answers or finished work. It is your resposibility to protect your work, including protecting your computer with a password and avoiding sites which make your work publicly visible. Always consult with the professor before using these sites.

Please respect the importance of upholding the Honor Code, since it affects the meaningfulness of your degree and the degrees of other students. As a practical matter, an understanding of the material presented in this course has a potential to positively impact your ability to acquire computing skills and perform computing skill which will be used in your future careers; you put yourself in the best position to gain that understanding when you rely on your own work.

Privacy Statment

All course materials posted to Blackboard or other course site are private to this class; by federal law, any materials that identify specific students (via their name, voice, or image) must not be shared with anyone not enrolled in this class. In the event that any class meetings need to be held synchronously online, those classes will be recorded to provide necessary information for students in this class. Recordings will be stored on Blackboard and will only be accessible to students taking this course during this semester.

University Policies

All students must abide by GMU Common Course Policies.

Disability Accomodations

Disability Services at George Mason University is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students by upholding the laws that ensure equal treatment of people with disabilities. Students seeking accommodations for this class, please first visit Disability Services (ods@gmu.edu; 703-993-2474) for detailed information about the Disability Services registration process. Then please discuss the approved accommodations with the instructor. The Disability Services office can be found in Student Union Building I (SUB I), Suite 2500.

Diversity and Inclusion

George Mason University promotes a diverse, inclusive, and anti-racist environment, under the belief that a just and equitable learning environment is a strong learning environment. Students are valued as individuals, irrespective of differences in race, ethnicity, national origin, first language, economic status, gender, gender expression and identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or age. As an important member of the GMU community, the Department of Computer Science is integral to the goal of cultivating an environemnt which is committed to inclusion and anti-racism.

Students who prefer to be addressed by a specific name or gender pronouns should share this information with the instructor (he/him). Additionally, name and pronouns can be changed in the GMU records.

Title IX

As a faculty member and designated "Responsible Employee," I am required to report all disclosures of sexual assault, interpersonal violence, and stalking to Mason's Title IX Coordinator, per university policy 1412.

Students who wish to speak with someone confidentially should contact the Student Support and Advocacy Center (ssac@gmu.edu; 703-993-3686) or Counseling and Psychological Services (caps@gmu.edu; 703-993-2380). Assistance may also be sought from GMU's Title IX Coordinator (titleix@gmu.edu; 703-993-8730).


This class is in person during the current semester. For information regarding the virus and current university policy regarding the virus, consult the Safe Return to Campus page.


Week Date Topic Assignments/Notes
week 1 Aug 26-Sep 1 Introduction; Mathematical Preliminaries, Sections 1.1-1.6; Propositional Logic, Sections 2.1-2.6 Practice HW 2.4, 2.7a, 2.8, 2.9, 2.11
week 2 Sep 2-8 Propositional Logic, Sections 2.1-2.6; Proofs by Deduction, Sections 3.1-3.9 Practice HW 3.10 (1st-4th), Prove Contrapositive rule, 3.8
Sep 4 Turn-in HW 1 assigned
Sep 4-6 Quiz 1 (Intro/Prop Logic)
week 3 Sep 9-15 Proofs by Deduction, Sections 3.1-3.9; Predicate Logic, Sections 4.1-4.5 Practice HW 4.1, 4.3, 4.7, 4.10a,b
Sep 11 Turn-in HW 1 due; Turn-in HW 2 assigned
Sep 11-13 Quiz 2 (Deduction)
week 4 Sep 16-22 Predicate Logic, Sections 4.1-4.5; Mathematical Induction, Sections 5.1-5.5 Practice HW 5.2-5.4, 5.9
Sep 18 Turn-in HW 2 due; Turn-in HW 3 assigned
Sep 18-20 Quiz 3 (Pred Logic)
week 5 Sep 23-29 Mathematical Induction, Sections 5.1-5.5; Program Verification, Sections 6.1-6.4 Practice HW 6.2-6.4, 6.6, 6.7
Sep 25 Turn-in HW 3 due; Turn-in HW 4 assigned
Sep 25-27 Quiz 4 (Induction/Quantifiers)
week 6 Sep 30-Oct 6 Program Verification, Sections 6.1-6.4; Midterm Exam warm-up Midterm covers material from chapters 1-6
Oct 2 Turn-in HW 4 due; Turn-in HW 5 assigned
Oct 2-4 Quiz 5 (Prog Verif)
week 7 Oct 7-Oct 13 Midterm Exam; Language Basics; Regular Languages, Chapter 7 + Sections 8.1-8.2 Practice HW 7.4, 7.5, 7.12, 7.15, 8.2, 8.3, 8.5, 8.6
Oct 8 Midterm Exam
Oct 9 Turn-in HW 5 due
week 8 Oct 14-20 Language Basics; Regular Languages, Chapter 7 + Sections 8.1-8.2; Regular Expressions; Regular Grammars, Sections 8.2-8.5 Practice HW 8.8, 8.11, 8.12
Oct 16 Turn-in HW 6 assigned
Oct 16-18 Quiz 6 (Langs)
week 9 Oct 21-27 Regular Expressions; Regular Grammars, Sections 8.2-8.5; Regular Grammar Conversions, Sections 8.5,8.6 Practice HW 8.14, 8.15
Oct 23 Turn-in HW 6 due; Turn-in HW 7 assigned
Oct 23-25 Quiz 7 (REs/RGs)
week 10 Oct 28-Nov 3 Regular Grammar Conversions, Sections 8.5,8.6; Finite Automata, Sections 9.1-9.4,9.8 Practice HW 9.7, 9.5, 9.16a, 9.17a
Oct 30 Turn-in HW 7 due; Turn-in HW 8 assigned
Oct 30-Nov 1 Quiz 8 (RG Conv)
week 11 Nov 4-10 Finite Automata, Sections 9.1-9.4,9.8
Nov 5 No Class Election Day
Nov 6 Turn-in HW 8 due; Turn-in HW 9 assigned
Nov 6-8 Quiz 9 (DFAs)
week 12 Nov 11-17 Nondeterministic Finite Automata; Properties of Regular Languages, Sections 9.5-9.7 Practice HW 9.8, 9.9, 9.25
Nov 13 Turn-in HW 9 due; Turn-in HW 10 assigned
Nov 13-15 Quiz 10 (NFAs/Prop RLs)
week 13 Nov 18-24 Context-Free Grammars, Sections 10.1-10.3 Practice HW 10.1, 10.2, 10.8
Nov 20 Turn-in HW 10 due; Turn-in HW 11 assigned
Nov 20-22 Quiz 11 (CFGs)
week 14 Nov 25-Dec 1 Pushdown Automata, Turing Machines, Sections 11.1,11.2, 12.2 Practice HW 11.1, 11.4, 11.6, 11.9a (with NPDA)
Nov 27-Dec 1 No Class Thanksgiving
week 15 Dec 2-Dec 8 Pushdown Automata, Turing Machines, Sections 11.1,11.2, 12.2; Final Exam warm-up Final covers material from chapters 7-12
Dec 4 Turn-in HW 11 due
Dec 4-6 Quiz 12 (PDAs)
final exam week Dec 11-18
Dec 12 (Thu) Final Exam Section 003 7:30am-10:15am
Dec 12 (Thu) Final Exam Section 004 10:30am-1:15pm