CS 483: Analysis of Algorithms, Section 005, Fall 2024

Course Overview

Course Description

CS310, CS330, and MATH125 (C or better in all)

In this course we learn how to rigorously analyze the cost of various algorithms and classes of algorithms. We learn how to recognize the correct algorithmic tools to use for various types of common computational problems.

Objectives and Outcomes

  1. Students will identify and solve classical problems in Computer Science.
  2. Students will recognize and apply classical algorithm design techniques.
  3. Students will assess solutions using classical algorithm analysis strategies.
  4. Students will design and analyze new algorithms to solve computational problems.
  5. Students will demonstrate an ability to reason algorithmically.

Title: Algorithms Illuminated: Omnibus Edition.
Author: Tim Roughgarden
Available at the campus bookstore.
Accompanying materials are available here.


This course will use blackboard for the Fall, 2024 semester. It is primarily used for posting grades, and not much else.

Office Hours
I will hold office hours on Mondays in my office at 1:30pm and Tuesdays on Zoom at 10am. Note that you must be logged into Zoom using your GMU account, or you will not be able to join. Monday sessions will be streamed on Zoom as well, and I will post links to recordings on piazza. My office hours should be viewed as study sessions. All are welcome at the same time! I'll take questions and we'll work through problems together. For students that expect to struggle with the material, I strongly encourage you to attend at least one, and preferably both hours each week. If you lose points on a homework, you should see this as an indication that you need help, and you should try to attend office hours. The TA will also hold hours, and he is able to help you in the same manner. To speak to me privately, please email me ahead of time so we can schedule something.

I will answer all questions on Piazza. My email inbox is typically swamped, and anything sent there has a good chance of being missed. If you do email me, put 483 in the subject line, but better is to message me on piazza. Students are encouraged to post homework questions on piazza! I realize that some posts need to be private, but when in doubt, I encourage you to make your posts public! Everyone will benefit from your questions, and I prefer that we all learn from them. Generally, I'm not that worried about questions that give hints. (Within reason.)

Quizzes and homeworks will all be submitted through Gradescope. You can find gradescope through Blackboard: click on Tools, then gradescope. You should also be able to access it directly from the gradescope website, if you use your GMU login. When submitting an assignment, please mark each question with the appropriate question number, as this makes grading much easier.

I will release some assignments on overleaf. This is a web-based platform for writing latex documents. You do not need special software, and I will not insist that you use latex to write your answers. You can simply view the PDF from the webpage, and submit answers to Gradescope in whatever format you like. However, I encourage you to use latex - it is fairly easy, and produces nice PDFs. To do that, just copy the project that I've shared, and edit.

Course Requirements

Quizzes -- 10%
Homeworks -- 30%
Exams -- 60%
Of two exams the highest score will count 35%, and the lowest 25%.

Homework will be assigned each week, typically assigned on Thursday and due Wednesday when class begins. The two lowest homework grades will be dropped.
Suggestions: It will be very hard to do well in this course if you do not do all of the homework by yourself, including any optional problems. You are strongly encouraged to do all of the problems, and to ask questions, in class and in office hours, when you do not understand any of them. Don't start the homework the day before it is due!

Quizzes are short: 2-4 questions, multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank. They will be administered through Gradescope, so you will need a laptop or phone to answer the questions. Each single quiz is worth < 1% of your grade, and he lowest 2 quiz scores will be dropped. They will be due before the start of class each Monday. Each will cover the reading that is listed for the lecture to come. They mainly serve to help me gauge what the students have understood from the reading, and what needs further explanation.

All testing is closed book, and notes are not permitted. There will be one midterm and one final exam. The better score will count more heavily towards your final grade. The final mostly covers the 2nd half of the course. However, I may include some material from the first half if I feel students did not understand it sufficiently well. I will inform you ahead of time if I choose to do this.
The midterm is in class on 10/16.
The final is Monday, 12/16, 10:30am - 1:15pm.

Common Course Policies

GMU has a set of common course policies pertaining to the handling of harassment, student privacy rights, accommodations for disabilities, and academic dishonesty. If you have any questions about these policies, please ask!