ISA 674 Intrusion Detection

Fall 2024

Time and Place: Thursday 4:30~7:10pm at Horizon Hall 2008

Instructor: Dr. Xinyuan (Frank) Wang

Office: Room 5331, Engineergin Building

Office phone: (703) 993-9461

Office hours: Friday 2:30~4:00PM or by appointment

Email: xwangc at gmu dot edu


Teaching Assistant: none

Office hours: none
Email: none


Course Description

The objective of this course is to provide an in depth introduction to the science and art of intrusion detection. The course consists of lectures and a series of interactive research oriented seminars. Topics covered include: overview of intrusions, history and state of the art of intrusion detection, the principles and techniques of intrusion detection, the limitations and open problems of intrusion detection, countermeasures against intrusion detection, case study of representative techniques used in intrusion detection systems, forensics, virus and worm defense. In addtion to the principles and techniques of intrusion detection, the course will have suibstantial hands-on components.

Course Outcomes

Course Prerequisite

ISA 564 and ISA 656.

The students are expected to have good understanding on operating system internals (e.g. system call internals, run-time memory organization). Proficiency in C programming is essential in order to be successful in the course homework and projects. Knowledge and experience in X86 assembly will be very helpful.

Textbook and Readings

There is NO textbook for this course. The course is in form of seminars, and it is based on current research papers!

Reading List (click to see)

Class Schedule (click to see)

Class schedule is tentative and subject to change. Please check frequently.


There will be one midterm exam, 3~4 home work assignments, and a final term project/presentation

The grade consists of

·       Homework 30%

·       Midterm exam 30%

·       Class Discussion Participation 10%

·       Term paper/presentation  30%

Academic Integrity

All students are required to follow all university, school and department policies regarding academic integrity. Violator of the Honor Code will result in a grade of F for the course, as well as any penalties imposed by the university and/or the CS department.

Disability Statement

If you have a documented learning disability or other condition that may affect academic performance you should: 1) make sure this documentation is on file with the Office of Disability Services (SUB I, Rm. 222; 703-993-2474; to determine the accommodations you need; and 2) talk with me to discuss your accommodation needs. All academic accommodations must be arranged through the ODS.