Course topics include, but are not limited to the following:
Late programming assignments will be penalized 10% percent per day. This means that if you turned in a project that received a grade of 80 but was
three days late, you would get a 56 (.70 * 80). Major projects can be no more than 3 days late,
minor ones, only one day late. After that they will not be graded. Late programs are not eligible for extra credit options if they are available.
You will have approximately 4 weeks for each major project and are expected to begin working on the project when assigned. You will receive partial
credit for any portions of your program that you can demonstrate work correctly.Consequently, individual requests for extensions will not be granted.
A request for an incomplete (IN) will only be considered in the final quarter of the course (all assignments up to and including the 2nd project must have been turned in and no additional work on these will be accepted). Request must be made in writing, accompanied by a note from a doctor or employer and applicable contact information.
Once projects grades are sent to you or posted, you have one week to contest the grade. After that the grade will not be changed.
You must have a written excuse (doctor's note, for example) to miss a test. Once a test or quiz is returned, you have
one week to contest the grade-- beyond that the grade will not be changed. Note that the week starts when a test is returned to the class, which may or may not be when
you choose to pick yours up. The Dean's permission is required for taking a missed Final Exam.
Extra credit programming points do no carry over to test grade points or vice-versa.
You MUST obtain a mason account if you do not have one. Please use this account for any individual correspondence with your instructor and/or TA. (GMU faculty members have been instructed not to respond to student email originating from a non-GMU account.)
You *may*, however, ask questions or respond to queries on WebCT regarding projects or other assignments, so long as you do not post any code or pseudocode, and so long as you do not provide specific solutions to the overall problem or algorithm design (even in English). "Summarizing" WebCT statements or responses to another student verbally regarding an assignment are *not* acceptable, and are subject to the above ban on discussing assignment solutions. Such discussion or code sharing constitutes an honor code violation. Suspected honor code violations will be reported to the Honor Committee. (For further information regarding honor code violations in programming, see the Computer Science department's Honor Code statement.)
You will be given credit only for code that works. This means that you should code and test functions as you write them, not code the whole thing and then try to get it to work.
Students must have an account on
You are expected to backup and submit/resubmit your program as you get different pieces working. The submit program keeps
the last 2 versions you submit. Failure to do this may result in your getting
a zero on a program instead of partial credit if last minute problems occur.
Note that accidently deleting your program, having problems connecting,
problems compiling, etc.,
will not be accepted as excuses. It is important that you not touch your
programs once you have done your final submission: if there are submission
problems, consideration for credit will only be given if your name and section is at the top of all source files and if it can be verified that the programs
were not changed after being submitted. may be checked for cheating by any means available. Questions concerning cheating violations will be sent to the Honor Council.