CS 662 - Computer Graphics Game Technologies - Spring'2007
Professor Jim X. Chen
Actions AssignmentsSyllabus
Description | Grading | TA
| Groups | Texts | References
CS 662 Computer Graphics Game Technologies (4:3:1). Prerequisite: CS 652 or CS 451 with a grade of B or better. Topics include advanced graphics methods in modeling, rendering, and simulation for games. The objective of this course is to teach CS students about basic knowledge and skills for creating 3D interactive game effects. Students are expected to complete a term project and to make an in depth presentation on a topic related to a game engine.
There are all together 100 points:
- Homework assignments (20 points)
- Random in class quizzes (20 points)
- One game engine related review presentation (20 points)
- One game project (40 points)
Your overall course score, S, will be the sum of these points.
- A: S is at least 90 points
- B: S is at least 80 points
- C: S is at least 65 points
- F: S is less than 65 points
Each assignment may not be accepted if it is not turned in on time. Therefore, you should plan on working early. If you cannot finish your assignment, you should turn in your partial work. You should come to meet me or my TA during the office hours.
If there is an accident or emergency and you let me know, I will consider it accordingly.
You may form into study groups, most of size 3. You can meet with your study group and discuss all homework questions freely and frequently in your group. However, you must do your own programs, assignments, and project. In short, collaborate freely, acknowledge all help and sources, and do your own work.
Brian: 3D terrain rendering. Special effect: view dependent lighting, shading, texture mapping, and shadowing.
Danny: physically-based swing game.
Glenn: Asteroids -- spaceship shoots at asteroids that are moving around, and tries not to get hit by them. Special effect: HDR, shaders.
Jon, Stephen: GemBlo -- a set of shaped crystalline pieces that players have to fit into a playfield.
Scott -- Asteroids. Special effect, sound, explosion, HDR.
1. Introduction
- Introduction to Cg programming
- Cg Home page: http://developer.nvidia.com/page/cg_main.html
- Alan Watt's COM4240: http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/intranet/teaching/modules/level3/com4240.html
- Alan Watt's COM4240 course notes: http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~ahw/com4240/
2. Modeling and Rendering
- Some modeling techniques
- Rubik's cube: http://www.helm.lu/cube/cubcol/
- Per-Fragment phong shading: Alan Watt's Lecture 1
- Renderman's surface shader: http://www.fundza.com/rman_shaders/surface/sl_surface1.html
- Fake rim-lighting: http://www.fundza.com/rman_shaders/surface/fake_rim/fake_rim1.html
- Dynamic range: http://www.dpreview.com/learn/?/Glossary/Digital_Imaging/dynamic_range_01.htm
- High Dynamic Range: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_dynamic_range_imaging
3. Physically-based Modeling and Simulation
- Doug James: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~djames/pbmis/index.html
- A survey: http://parasol.tamu.edu/people/sthomas/talks/GPproject.ppt
- Gas: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~gfx/Courses/2001/GfxSeminar.spring.01/PPT/fostergaspaper.ppt
- Spider: http://graphics.gmu.edu/spider/
- Water: http://www.vterrain.org/Water/
- Ocean Scene: http://meshuggah.4fo.de/OceanScene.htm
- Terrain Generation: http://www.vterrain.org/Elevation/Artificial/index.html
4. Fogs
5. Texture Mapping
- Alan Watt's Lecture 2
- Kurt Akeley, Pat Hanrahan: https://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs448a-01-fall/lectures/lecture11/advancedshading.2up.pdf
6. Shadows
7. GPU Methods: efficiency, advanced mappings
- Alan Watt's Lecture 3
- Alan Watt's Chapter 5
- Parallax Mapping.
- For fun-- why pigeons bob their heads: http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a1_016.html
- Kaneko, T., et al, 2001. Detailed Shape Representation with Parallax Mapping. In Proceedings of ICAT 2001, pp. 205-208.
- Tatarchuk, N., 2005. Practical Dynamic Parallax Occlusion Mapping, Siggraph presentation.
- Relief Texture mapping
- Manuel M. Oliveira: http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/%7Eoliveira/RTM.html
8. Game Effects
9. Animation
10. Virtual Reality
11. Final Project and Presentation
2006 by Prof. Jim X. Chen, Department of Computer
Science, George mason University