Instructor: Dr. Jessica Lin Office: Science
& Technology II, Room 453 Phone:
703-993-4693 Email:
jessica [AT] cs [DOT] gmu [DOT] edu Office Hours: TBA TA
Huaming Liu
hliu5 [AT] gmu [DOT] edu
Hours: TBA
3:00-4:15pm Innovation Hall 134 Prerequisites: C or better in CS 310 and CS 330
Assignment/Project: 35% Quiz: 5% Midterm: 25% Final: 35%
Exams Quizzes
will be given in the beginning of the class. They may or may not be
announced in advance. The
lowest quiz grade will be dropped at the end of the semester.
There will be a midterm exam and a final exam covering lectures and
readings (both will be in class, closed book). The final exam
(comprehensive) includes topics covered in the entire semester. Exams
must be taken at the scheduled time and place. Missed exams cannot be
made up.
Honor Code
Statement Please be
familiar with the GMU Honor Code. Any deviation from this is considered
an Honor Code violation. All assignments for this class are individual
unless otherwise specified. Tentative
Ch.1: Overview
of Database Systems Ch.2: Introduction to Database Design
Ch.3: The Relational Model Ch.4: Relational Algebra
Ch.5: SQL Ch.8: Storage and Indexing Ch.9:Storing
Data: Disks and Files Ch.10: Tree-Structured Indexing Ch.11:
Hash-Based Indexing Ch.19: Schema Refinement and Normal Forms Ch.26:
Data Mining
Note: If time permits, more
chapters will be added.
| Textbook
Management Systems"
3rd Edition by Ramakrishnan and Gehrke |
Schedule - TBA