CS 306 Synthesis of Ethics and Law for the Computing Professional, 3
Department of Computer Science
Course Description -- Spring, 2010
Sec. -001 Tues. 10:30 a.m.-1:10 p.m. Robinson Hall B, Room 203
Class Dates: 1/19-4/27; Final Exam: Tues., 5/11/10 from 10:30 a.m.-1:15
Sec. -002 Tues. 4:30-7:10 p.m. Engineering Building, Room 1107
Class Dates: 1/19-4/27; Final Exam: Tues., 5/11/10, from 4:30-7:15 p.m.
Instructor: Tamara A. Maddox Email address: tmaddox@cs.gmu.edu
Telephone: (703) 993-1525 Office: The Engineering Building, Room 5347
Office Hours: Tuesdays 3:00-4:00 p.m. and Thursdays
9:15-10:15 a.m.
Instructor's Home Page: http://cs.gmu.edu/~tmaddox
Online Class Syllabus: http://www.cs.gmu.edu/syllabus/syllabi-spring10/CS306MaddoxT.html
Class Schedule: http://www.cs.gmu.edu/~tmaddox/cs306/Class_Schedule.html
Blackboard Link (use the CS 306 Combined Courses folder): https://gmu.blackboard.com
UTAs: Sec. 1: Emily Vorek: evorek@gmu.edu, Sec. 2: Nimisha Sahay: nsahay@gmu.edu
Course Description: This course is intended to help students become effective professionals in the field of computer science by examining many of the challenging legal and ethical issues surrounding computer technology and its use, and building a foundation for dealing with those challenges. Students will examine the philosophical bases for ethical decision-making and how to apply them to issues raised by computers and technology. Specific topics covered in CS 105, such as intellectual property concerns and software liability issues, will be addressed by this course in a more intensive manner. Emerging legal and ethical issues involved in the computer profession and e-commerce will also be addressed.
Throughout the course, students will be expected to apply critical thinking skills in individual and group settings to evaluate various issues related to computer law and ethics. Students will connect issues of technology to wider societal concerns through written essays, class discussion, a mock trial, and the creation of a hypothetical trial scenario. Students will use critical thinking skills to evaluate and prepare formal arguments concerning their assigned mock trial topics, which they will present to their classmates. Students should be prepared to participate during class activities, to interact with their classmates, and to reflect upon and refine their personal points of view on various ethical issues.
Course Outcomes:
Writing Intensive Component: CS 306 is a Writing Intensive (WI) Course that, together with CS 421, meets the GMU WI Requirements for the BS CS Program. Accordingly, each student in CS 306 is required to write a minimum of 1750 individual words, which will be graded and returned to the student with feedback. This requirement will be fulfilled by a series of short reflective essays on various topics related to technology and computer law and ethics. At least one of these essays will be revised and resubmitted for an additional grade. Students will also work with partners to research and write materials in preparation for their Mock Trials and in groups to prepare original hypothetical scenarios related to computer law and ethics.
Grading Policy:
1. Reflective Essay Assignments (min. 500 words each) + revised version(s)
(15% total)
2. Midterm Exam (Tentative exam date: March 2) (15%)
3. Written preparatory materials for the Mock Trial (10% total)
3. In-Class Mock Trial
{To be scheduled during weeks 3/16, 3/23 and 3/30} (10%)
4. Original Group Scenario (including drafts and meetings w/ UTA or instructor)
5. Homework, Class Participation, In-class Exercises & Instructor
Evaluation (15%)
6. Final Exam (20%)
Students should plan to attend class regularly, prepared to participate. Failure to do so will be reflected in your class participation grade. Group project grading may include a confidential review of participating group members by each student. All major assignments require inclusion of the Class Honor Code Pledge found here, or they will not be accepted.
Special Accommodations: If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accomodations, please see your instructor and contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at (703) 993-2474. All academic accomodations must be arranged through the DRC.
General Education: This course is approved to satisfy the GMU Synthesis Gen. Ed. requirement.