Contact Information
Instructor: Dan Fleck
Email: dfleck (at)
Phone: 703-993-4198
AOL IM: danpf1
Office: Engineering Building - 4440
Office Hours: Thurs 3-4pm, or anytime by appointment
Email: TBD (at)
Office Hours: TBD or by appointment
Office: Engineering Building 4456-B
CS 421 - 001 - 13749 - 4:30-7:10 Thurs - Robinson Hall A249
CS 421 - 002 - 18420 - 1:30-2:45 Tues/Thurs - Robinson Hall A249
CS 421 gives an introduction to principles and techniques used in software
The following are the expected outcomes from this course:
- An understanding of all phases of the software engineering lifecycle
(requirements, design, implementation, testing, deployment,
- An understanding of several lifecycle models including both prescriptive
and agile methodologies and knowledge of tradeoffs among the
- An ability to create and use UML models to document software analysis and
design artifacts
- An understanding of fundamental techniques used to lead a software
- An ability to apply software engineering techniques to complete the
requirements and design phases of a large software project.
CS 421 will have a software engineering project that requires student to
participate in working teams where students organize, manage, and practice a
software engineering project. This will be a design project with some prototype
implementation. See project page for more details.
CS 421 includes Writing Intensive (WI) activities that, together with those of
CS 306, meet the GMU WI Requirements in the BS CS Program ( This means you will write
1750 graded words (or about 7 standard pages). You will get feedback on this
writing, and be able to resubmit revisions based on the feedback. For this
course, the writing will include part of the group project, and an individual
essay on a software engineering topic. The schedule for the writing assignment
will be presented in class.
1. Roger Pressman, Software
Engineering, 7th Edition, McGraw Hall, 2010.
NOTE: it is preferred that you NOT use the paperback
international version since the order and numbering of homework
problems is different from the regular edition.
2. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson, The Unified Modeling
Language Users Guide, 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2005. (Optional. Web
resources are available if you prefer)
- Subversion (SVN) tools
- Tortoise SVN - SVN
client for Windows only
- SCPlugin - SVN client for
Mac OSX (but NOT Snow Leopard)
- svn - command
line (Windows version in link) (Mac version built in to OSX)
- Project Hosting tool
- UML Tools (in order of Prof. Fleck's preference for student use)
- Netbeans with UML plugin - this seems
to be the winner. Most students like it.
- Violet
UML - Open source UML tool - Simple. Looks good. Sometimes hard to
get exactly what you want.
- ArgoUML - Open Source UML
tool - Previous classes did not like this tool, but it has more
features than Violet.
Rational Software Architect - Very mature UML and architecture
- Project Scheduling Tools
- Email
- I will use email to send information about the course, ask questions,
etc... You must check your GMU email account. If you prefer to use
another account, that is okay, just forward your GMU email to your
preferred account. How to forward
GMU email
- Programming
- Any language you want. Demonstrations will be done using Java
...and of course word processing and presentation software will be used.
Project (paper and presentation) |
30% |
150 |
Due during the last class period |
Essay |
11% |
55 |
See schedule for due date |
Homework |
9% |
45 |
5pts per homework. Plus you can do the bonus homework at the end of
the semester to replace a homework grade if desired. |
Midterm Exam |
20% |
100 |
Final Exam |
30% |
150 |
Thurs. 5/6 1:30 pm – 4:15 pm (Tues/Thur class)
Thurs. 5/6 4:30 pm – 7:15 pm (Thur class)
Total: |
100% |
500 |
Course Grade |
Points |
A |
>450 |
B |
>400 |
C |
>350 |
D |
>300 |
F |
<300 |
If you feel you deserve a better grade on an assignment, you can appeal your
grade in writing. Written grade appeals will only be accepted within 7 days of
you receiving the grade. The appeal should clearly explain why you feel you
deserve a higher grade. I will never lower your grade due to an appeal, but I
may or may not raise your grade depending on your justification.
All homework must be received by the deadline. No late homeworks will be
accepted. The final version of the paper is due as decribed on the schedule
webpage. No further revisions will be allowed after that date. All project
assignments must be submitted during class when they are due. Revisions will be
allowed up to two times for any project assignment except the presentation
(because we have no way to revise and redo the presentation). All project
documents must be turned in by the last day of class. No revisions will be
accepted after this time.
As with all GMU courses, this course is governed by the GMU Honor Code. In this
course, all assignments, exams, and project submissions carry with them an
implicit statement that it is the sole work of the author, unless joint work is
explicitly authorized. Help may be obtained from the instructor or other
students to understand the description of the problem and any technology, but
the solution, particularly the design portion, must be the student's own work.
If joint work is authorized, all contributing students must be listed on the
submission. Any deviation from this is considered an Honor Code violation, and
as a minimum, will result in failure of the submission and as a maximum,
failure of the class.
Plagiarism is stealing the work of others and presenting it as your own. This
includes written papers, but also computer programs, presentations, etc...
anything that was not created by you should be referenced. When in doubt, add a
reference. If you have any questions about whether you can or cannot use
something you've found ask your professor or TA. If another student let you
copy their work you are BOTH guilty. Any plagiarism violations will be sent to
the Honor Committee. If you are found guilty of plagiarism twice in your
university career you will be expelled. This is a very serious offense! More
information about plagiarism is on the
center website and at If you feel the need to do
this for any reason, come talk to your professor and we'll work out a better
plan. There is ALWAYS a better plan than plagiarizing!
This class will use automated tools to detect
plagiarism (including written materials and source code).
If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations,
please see me and contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 703.993.2474.
All academic accommodations must be arranged through that office.